The configuration menu

This section gives an overview of the Configuration menu. See System Configuration windows for more information.

Pack configuration
This option can be used to configure the telephony environment by specifying your country/region, switch type, and other basic details.
System configuration
Blueworx Voice Response is installed with a default system configuration that includes the number of active telephone channels, switch signaling protocols, and other operating parameters. You can specify new values for a wide range of system parameters, from the number of buffers in the buffer pool, to how often the system prints reports and archives statistics.
3270 session configuration
Communication Server for AIX creates sessions according to the LU 2 session profiles you define. An LU 2 session profile specifies a communication session between the pSeries computer and a remote computer using the LU 2 protocol (3270). You configure a 3270 session by assigning a 3270 server to use it.

If you are using one of the CallPath call processing products, you can also assign a session to a telephone number.

Administrator profiles
You can assign separate administrator IDs and access privileges to each person using the system. The access privileges control which functions are available to the person using a particular profile.
Application profiles
You can use application profiles to link applications to incoming calls, voice messaging resources, and state tables. Each application profile specifies a main state table which can be invoked by incoming calls and by other state tables, and which can access mailboxes and other voice messaging resources.
Subscriber classes
Subscriber classes help you limit the amount of space used for voice messages. You classify your mailbox users with one or more subscriber classes, and then set limits on the number of messages per mailbox, the number of distribution lists per mailbox, and so on.
Blueworx Voice Response supports the use of multiple languages. You can add as many languages as are required to support your use of the Blueworx Voice Response user interface and your voice applications.
Help editor
Help text is the online help information that you can access from each window. You can translate the help text into any language for which a window text database exists, or you can use the help editor to change the text to suit your needs.