Starting the ASCII console



  1. Setting up the environment: Log on to AIX using the user account that is set up for Blueworx Voice Response (normally dtuser).
    • The system displays the following menu:
              Blueworx Voice Response User Login
      1) Start Blueworx Voice Response Processes
      2) Do Not Start Blueworx Voice Response
      Enter choice (or <ENTER> for option list) 
  2. Type 2 and press Enter.
  3. To check the setting of the TERM environment variable, type the following command and press Enter:
    • The system displays the current display type. Some examples of appropriate display types are vt100, ibm3151, or aixterm.
  4. If the setting is not correct for your terminal, type the following command and press Enter:
    export TERM=terminal_type  
  5. Starting Blueworx Voice Response: Type the following command and press Enter:
    • If it is not already running, Blueworx Voice Response starts.
  6. Starting the ASCII console: Type the following command and press Enter:
    • The system prompts you to enter your Blueworx Voice Response administrator name.
  7. Type your administrator name and press Enter.
    • The system prompts you to enter your Blueworx Voice Response administrator password.
  8. Type in the password and press Enter.
    • The system displays the ASCII Console Main Menu.
      Mode:  User               Blueworx Voice Response Console        Date: 09/24/01
      Host:  sparsholt          Alarm: Clear                           Time: 14:14:47
      ASCII Console Main Menu        |        Welcome to Blueworx Voice Response for AIX*
        1: Refresh                   |
        2: Configuration Menu        |
        3: Administration Menu       |  Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5765-B81
        4: Operations Menu           |      (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1990, 2002.
        0: Exit                      |
                                     |               All rights reserved.
                                     |  *Trademark of International Business Machines
      Enter Menu Selection: