Other System variables

The system variables contain runtime information, such as date and time. Your application can update some of the system variables. This section describes the system variables in alphabetic order.

Note: For a numeric list of System Variables, see Table 1.
System : Action additional information (SV180)
This variable gives more information about the results of the following state table actions:
  • CheckStorage
  • InvokeStateTable
  • PlayAudioName
  • PlayPrompt
  • PlayUserGreeting
  • PlayVoiceMessage
  • PlayVoiceSegment
  • PlayVoiceFromHost
  • ReceiveData
  • RecordAudioName
  • RecordUserGreeting
  • RecordVoiceMessage
  • RecordVoiceSegment
  • RecordVoiceToHost
  • SendVoiceMessage

Note that the state table actions reset this system variable. If you want to use the information in this system variable you must check it immediately after a state table action.

For more information, see the “Possible Results” section for each action in Prompt statements.

System : Call : Channel number (SV165)
This variable identifies the logical channel number currently in use by the application. Both T1 and E1 voice cards are numbered in multiples of 30 to allow up to 24 T1 channels or 30 E1 channels. Channel numbers begin with 1 through 30 for the first card, followed by 31 through 60 for the second card, and so on. For example, the value of this variable for an application that is using the third channel on the second T1 card is calculated by the following formula:
((physical card - 1) * 30) + physical channel = ((2 - 1) * 30) + 3 = 33.

If the application terminates the call with a TerminateCall action, this variable is set to 0 to indicate that a physical channel is no longer being used by the application.

System : Call : Current channel group (SV177)
This variable identifies the channel group to which the channel currently in use belongs.

For ISDN, this value is set by the ISDN signaling process to indicate the channel group for the current call.

System : Call : Permitted channel groups (RW) (SV178)
This variable specifies the channel groups from which the MakeCall state table action can select a channel to use. It is initialized to an empty string, which indicates that any available channel in any channel group defined in the pack configuration as Outgoing or Bothway can be used for outgoing calls. Use the AssignData state table action to specify the permitted channel groups. For example, to specify channel group 2 and 3 only, set this variable to “2,3”.

For ISDN and SS7 (CCS), this value is used by the signalling process when selecting a channel for outbound calls.

System : Call : Permitted channels (RW) (SV228)
This variable specifies the channels from which the MakeCall state table action can select a channel to use. It is initialized to an empty string, which indicates that the value of SV178 (System : Call : Permitted channel groups) controls which channels can be used. When SV228 is set to anything else, it overrides SV178.

The channels are specified by virtual channel number (that is, from 1 to 480). Use the AssignData state table action to specify the permitted channels. For example, to specify channel 2 and 3 only, set this variable to “2,3”.

This variable applies to both channel associated signalling (CAS) and common channel signalling (CCS) protocols (such as ISDN and SS7). However, in the case of CCS protocols, the channel actually selected for making outbound calls is the lowest numbered channel available in the same channel group as the specified channel.

System : Call : Physical card (SV166)
This variable identifies the card number currently in use by the application. If the application terminates the call with a TerminateCall action, this variable is set to 0 to indicate that a physical card is no longer being used by the application.
System : Call : Physical channel (SV167)
This variable identifies the physical channel number currently in use by the application. For example, the value of this variable for an application that uses the 3rd channel on the 2nd T1 card is 3. If the application terminates the call with a TerminateCall action, this variable is set to 0 to indicate that a physical channel is no longer being used by the application.
System : Call Info : Call info status (SV129)
This variable indicates one of the following call signaling states:
System : Call Info : Call origin (SV189)
This variable can be set by a signaling process to indicate whether the call came in from an external or internal line.

Whether or not this variable is set depends on your configuration and on the ability of your switch to provide the information. You can use the variable in an EvaluateData state table action to change the flow of the state table.

Call origin is unknown
Internal call
External call
Call originated or transferred by the operator

For ISDN, this system variable is provided or interpreted by the ISDN signaling process.

System : Call Info : Call type (SV23)
This variable indicates how a call was received by Blueworx Voice Response. Whether or not this variable is set depends on your configuration and on the ability of your switch to provide the information. You can use the variable in an EvaluateData state table action to change the flow of a state table.

If the call signaling type is not SMSI, the call type value is 0.

If the call signaling type is SMSI, the possible call type values are:

Call type invalid
Direct dialed to Blueworx Voice Response
Unconditionally forwarded call to Blueworx Voice Response
Busy forwarded call to Blueworx Voice Response
Ring-no-answer forwarded call to Blueworx Voice Response
Switch not taking messages
Note: Values 2, 3, and 4 are typically used by voice messaging applications to play different greetings. For example:

“I am sorry I can't answer your call, as I am already taking another call.....”

“I am sorry I can't answer your call, as I am out of the office.....”

For ISDN, this system variable is provided or interpreted by the ISDN signaling process.

System : Call Info : Called number (SV185)
This variable contains the number dialed by the caller if Blueworx Voice Response is enabled to receive this service (dialed number identification service). If the dialed number information is not available, this variable is set to the number identified for this channel in the channel system parameters.

For ISDN, this value is set by the ISDN signaling process to the value of the Called Party Number information element from the SETUP message that established the call.

System : Call Info : Calling number (SV186)
This variable contains the number of the calling party if Blueworx Voice Response is enabled to receive this service (automatic number identification). If the calling party's number is not available, a question mark (?) is assigned to this variable.

For ISDN, this value is set by the ISDN signaling process to the value of the Calling Party Number information element from the SETUP message that established the call.

System : Call Info : Signaling type (RW) (SV128)
This variable indicates the call signaling type. The possible types are listed in /usr/lpp/dirTalk/include/slcommon.h

This string can be written to — allowing outbound calls to be directed to a specific signal process. For example, in a mixed system including ISDN trunks and VoIP trunks, setting SV128 to 36 results in an outbound calls being made over VoIP.

System : Call Info : User 1 (SV187)
This string variable contains information passed from a signaling process such as the one provided for Application Connectivity Link (ACL). The value depends entirely on the signaling process. An example is that the ACL process puts a channel identifier code into SV187.

For ISDN, this system variable is provided or interpreted by the ISDN signaling process.

System : Call Info : User 2 (SV188)
This string variable contains information passed from a signaling process such as the one provided for Application Connectivity Link (ACL). The value depends entirely on the signaling process.

For ISDN, this system variable is provided or interpreted by the ISDN signaling process.

System : Call Info : WaitEvent Info (SV544)

This string variable, passed from a signaling process to a state table, contains call information relating to a WaitEvent action, and identifies which events or DTMF keys should be waited for — and therefore which other events should be ignored. There are nine possible events, plus 16 possible DTMF keys to wait for, and the WaitEvent Action returns only when all the events specified in SV544 have occurred. If SV544 is left empty, it is assumed that all events are waited for. The string SV544 is specified in the form of list of labels separated by commas or spaces (or combinations of these). The labels may be any of the following: (one for each of the possible events):

  • "HOST"
  • "DTMF"
  • "FAX"
  • "VOICE"
  • "LINEPB"
  • "HUP"
  • "INVTMO"
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 0
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • *
  • #
System : Call Reference (SV237)
This variable gives the current call reference in use by this application. It is valid only whilst a call is in progress, that is, between MakeCall and the matching TerminateCall or for an incoming call from when the application starts until TerminateCall. The call reference sequence is reset to 1 each time the device driver is restarted, that is, at least once for each time AIX is restarted.
System : Case : Pattern matching allowed (RW) (SV238)
When this variable is set to 1, it allows you to use wildcards in the WHEN clauses of the CASE action. The default is 0, which means don't use wildcards. Use ? (question mark) to match one character, and % (percent) to match zero or more characters.

For example, the string abc%abc will match abcabc, abcAabc, and abc1abc. The string a?c will match abc, but not abBc. The string ab%12?4 will match abxyz12X4, but not abxyz12XX4.

System : Current language (RW) (SV39)
This variable contains the code for the language used to play voice segments. When an application is started, this variable is set to the value in the Application - Profile : Language variable (SV142). The codes for each language are listed in the Blueworx Voice Response Languages window.

This variable can also be set to a valid language code by any of the following state table actions:

  • AssignData
  • ReceiveData
  • GetData
  • GetFindName (set to the language defined in the retrieved application profile)

For example, an application can prompt a caller for a language preference, then assign the language code that corresponds to the caller's input to SV39.

System : Current state table (SV41)
This variable is a read-only string that gives the name of the state table that is currently executing.
Note: This variable shows an empty string when using the state table debugger.
System : Current time as time_t (corresponds to SV36) (SV576)
This variable contains the current system time as a time_t.
System : Custom server event : name of server (SV232)
This variable contains the name of the custom server that is returning event information in SV233 and SV234. This variable is set by a custom server using the CA_Report_Channel_Event() subroutine.
System : Custom server event : event data (SV234)
This variable contains free format numerical information representing an event reported by a custom server. This variable is set by a custom server using the CA_Report_Channel_Event() subroutine.
System : Custom server event : information field (SV233)
This variable contains free format numerical information about an event reported in SV234. This variable is set by a custom server using the CA_Report_Channel_Event() subroutine.
System : Date : Date in YYYYMMDD (SV42)
This variable contains the current date, expressed as YYYYMMDD, where Y, M, and D represent year, month, and day, respectively. For example, if the date is October 31, 1992, the value of this variable is 19921031.
Note: The value of this system variable can be affected by the value of SV545 (System : Subscriber Timezone).
System : Date : Date, time, and day of week in YYYYMMDDhhmmssW (SV36)
This variable contains the current time and day, expressed as YYYYMMDDhhmmssW, where Y is the year, M is the month, D is the day of the month, h is the hour, m is the minute, s is seconds, and W is the day of week. The range of days is Sunday through Saturday; Sunday is assigned a value of 1, and Saturday a value of 7.
Note: The value of this system variable can be affected by the value of SV545 (System : Subscriber Timezone).
System : Date : Day of month (SV44)
This variable contains the current day of the month, expressed as a number from 1 to n (1 to 28, 29, 30, or 31, depending on the month).
Note: The value of this system variable can be affected by the value of SV545 (System : Subscriber Timezone).
System : Date : Day of week (SV37)
This variable contains the current day of the week, expressed as a number from 1 to 7.
Note: The value of this system variable can be affected by the value of SV545 (System : Subscriber Timezone).
System : Date : Day of year (SV45)
This variable contains the current day of the year, expressed as a number from 1 to 366.
Note: The value of this system variable can be affected by the value of SV545 (System : Subscriber Timezone).
System : Date : Month of year (SV38)
This variable contains the current month of the year, expressed as a number from 1 to 12.
Note: The value of this system variable can be affected by the value of SV545 (System : Subscriber Timezone).
System : Date : Time in hhmmss (SV43)
This variable contains the current time expressed as hhmmss, where hh, mm, and ss represent hours, minutes, and seconds, respectively. For example, if your system is configured for 24-hour format and the time is 2:35 PM, the value of this variable is 143500; in 12-hour format, the value is 023500.
  1. This is the System Local Time, and it will change by one hour when changing to or from daylight saving time.
  2. The value of this system variable can be affected by the value of SV545 (System : Subscriber Timezone).
System : Date : Year in YYYY (SV46)
This variable contains the current year expressed as four digits, such as 1992. It can be played in prompts or used in an EvaluateData action to change the flow of a state table based on the year.
Note: The value of this system variable can be affected by the value of SV545 (System : Subscriber Timezone).
System : Echo Cancellation : Calibration (RW) (SV231)
This variable must be set before using PlayPrompt or PlayVoiceFromHost to calibrate the echo canceller.

This variable has an initial value of zero. To calibrate the echo canceller, set this variable to 1.s With DTTAs, force play at least 0.5 seconds of uncompressed voice data using PlayPrompt or PlayVoiceFromHost . When the action completes, the value of this variable is updated to one of the following:

The echo canceller is successfully calibrated. (With the enhanced echo cancellation available for DTTAs, calibration is always successful provided that at least 0.5 seconds of uncompressed voice data is played.)
Calibration failed
Echo cancellation is not supported by the hardware
Convergence did not take place because no uncompressed voice was played in the play action

If this variable is set to anything other than 1, its value is not changed and no convergence takes place.

Note: Echo cancellation should only be used if your telephony configuration includes a channel bank between Blueworx Voice Response and the switch.
System : Fax detection (SV227)
This variable specifies whether fax tone detection is to be enabled during the following actions:
  • PlayAudioName
  • PlayPrompt
  • PlayUserGreeting
  • PlayVoiceFromHost
  • PlayVoiceMessage
  • PlayVoiceSegment
  • WaitEvent
SV227 can have the following values:
Fax detection is off
Detect inbound fax tones only
Detect outbound fax tones only
Detect both inbound and outbound fax tones

When a fax tone is detected during a play action, the action immediately terminates with the Success edge and SV180 (System : Action Additional Information) indicates that a fax tone has been detected. When a fax tone is detected during a WaitEvent action, the action terminates immediately with the Fax Event result. This variable is not set until the first Play... action.

System : Get actions timeout seconds (RW) (SV35)
This variable is no longer used. It is retained for compatibility with earlier releases of Blueworx Voice Response, so you do not need to remove them from your state tables. Use the GetData action to specify the length of a timeout.
System : Get actions timeouts allowed (RW) (SV34)
This variable is no longer used. It is retained for compatibility with earlier releases of Blueworx Voice Response, so you do not need to remove them from your state tables. Use the GetData action to specify the number of timeouts allowed.
System : Host Interrupt Detection : On/Off (RW) (SV546)
This variable specifies whether host event detection is to be enabled during the following actions:
  • PlayAudioName
  • PlayPrompt
  • PlayUserGreeting
  • PlayVoiceMessage
  • PlayVoiceSegment
  • PlayVoiceFromHost
The possible values of SV546 are
Host events are ignored (off)
Host events are detected (enabled)
The default values of SV546 are 1 (enabled) for state table applications and 0 (off) for Java applications.

If a host event is detected during the above Play actions, the action immediately terminates and SV180 (System : Action Additional Information) indicates that a host event has been detected..

System : MPN : Decimal point character (RW) (SV168)
This variable specifies the character to be used for the decimal point. The default is the period (.).
System : MPN : Maximum decimal places (RW) (SV131)
This variable specifies the maximum number of digits to the right of a decimal place in a multiple-precision number that is the result of a division. For assignment of constants and when the number results from an addition, subtraction, or multiplication the precision is specified by the value of the Maximum MPN Digits system parameter. The default value is 12; the minimum value is 1; the maximum value is 3999.
System : Maximum record time (RW) (SV179)
This variable contains the maximum time for which Record. state table actions will record voice. It is initialized by the Record Voice Maximum system parameter in the Blueworx Voice Response parameter group.

This variable can be set to any value up to the maximum set by the system parameter. Assigning a value of 0 to this variable will reset it to the default value (300 seconds) defined in the system parameter.

System : Music : Automatic fade before actions (RW) (SV226)
This variable specifies whether the system fades out the background music before one of the following actions: GetKey, GetData, GetFindData, GetFindName, GetPassword, GetText, RecordVoiceSegment, RecordAudioName, RecordUserGreeting, RecordVoiceMessage, RecordVoiceToHost. Be aware that setting this variable to 0 can result in recording an echo of the background music.

This variable is initially set to the value of the Music Automatic Fade Before Actions system parameter when an application starts. The application can change this value, overriding the current value.

Possible values for this variable are 1 and 0.

System : Music : Automatic fade time (RW) (SV225)
This variable specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, Blueworx Voice Response takes to fade out the background music for a GetKey, GetData, GetFindData, GetFindName, GetPassword, GetText, RecordVoiceSegment, RecordAudioName, RecordUserGreeting, RecordVoiceMessage, or RecordVoiceToHost action.

This variable is initially set to the value of the Music Automatic Fade Time Default system parameter when an application starts. The application can change this value, overriding the current value.

Possible values for this variable are integer multiples of 100, from 0 to 10 000.

Note: The background music will always fade out before TransferCall, MakeCall, AnswerCall, Dial, and RecognizeWord, regardless of the value of this parameter.
System : Music : Volume ceiling (RW) (SV224)
This variable specifies the difference, in decibels (dBm), between the maximum permissible volume on the line and the maximum volume at which background music will be played. If you make the difference smaller, background music can be played louder. For an example of how this can be used, see System : Prompt : Volume ceiling (RW) (SV223).

Blueworx Voice Response ensures that the values of System : Prompt : Volume ceiling and System : Music : Volume ceiling cannot together result in the volume on the line exceeding the maximum permissible volume.

This variable is initially set to the value of the Music Volume Ceiling Default system parameter when an application starts. The application can change this value, overriding the current value.

Possible values for this variable are 0 through 50.

Do not change this variable while background music is being asynchronously faded in or out, as this can cause a jump in the volume.

System : PlayPrompt status (RW) (SV130)
This variable reflects the status of the current PlayPrompt action. During the execution of PlayPrompt, the system checks the changing status. If the system detects a problem, it sets the value to a negative number.

This variable is updated by most prompt statements. If you want to retain the value for some reason (for example, to play it in another prompt), you must define a local variable and copy the value to the local variable. The return codes sent to the calling application by the RETURN and ABORT prompt statements are assigned to System : PlayPrompt status.

System : PlayPrompt voice compression type (RW) (SV182)
This variable contains the compression type of the voice segments to be played by a PlayPrompt state table action. Possible values are:
Clear channel
No system compression type defined

Just before PlayPrompt plays a voice segment, the value of this variable is checked. If it is set to -1, the compression type specified for the prompt directory is used; otherwise, the compression type specified by the value of this variable is used.

When a nested state table or prompt is called, the value of this variable is “inherited” for use by the nested state table or prompt. When the application returns to the calling state table or prompt, the original value of the variable is restored.

If you want a single application to play both compressed and uncompressed voice segments, you can use the AssignData state table action between PlayPrompt actions to change the value of SV182 as required.

System : Play/Record : Actual stop key (SV184)
This variable contains the name of the key pressed by the user during one of the following actions:
  • PlayAudioName
  • PlayUserGreeting
  • PlayVoiceMessage
  • PlayVoiceSegment
  • PlayVoiceFromHost
  • RecordAudioName
  • RecordUserGreeting
  • RecordVoiceMessage
  • RecordVoiceSegment
  • RecordVoiceToHost
System variable 184 is empty if:
  • No key was pressed
  • RecordVoiceToHost results in Stopped by DTMF when the STOP key is pressed, but Interrupt with Any DTMF key was specified as a parameter. To find out which key was pressed, use a GetKey action.
  • RecordVoiceToHost with interrupt with any DTMF and the PAUSE key is pressed.

System variable 184 contains the value of the STOP key if RecordVoiceToHost results in Stopped by DTMF when a key other than STOP or PAUSE was pressed and Pause key and stop key(s) was specified as a parameter.

System : Play/Record : Alternate stop keys (RW) (SV183)
This variable allows extra DTMF tones to stop voice playing or recording. It applies to the following actions:
  • PlayAudioName
  • PlayUserGreeting
  • PlayVoiceMessage
  • PlayVoiceSegment
  • PlayVoiceFromHost
  • RecordAudioName
  • RecordUserGreeting
  • RecordVoiceMessage
  • RecordVoiceSegment
  • RecordVoiceToHost

One stop key is set by the Stop Key system parameter; extra stop keys can be set by adding them to this variable. The variable is a string of key names. For example, to specify that keys 1 and 2 can be used as stop keys, set this variable to 12. The actual stop key that is pressed by the user is placed in the system variable SV184 (System : Play/Record : Actual stop key).

The settings of the Forward Key, Pause Key, and Reverse Key system parameters take precedence over the settings of this system variable. (For example, if the Pause Key system parameter is set to 2, pressing 2 has the effect of pausing, even if Play/Record : Alternate stop keys is set to 12.)

See also System : Voice interrupt detection : On/Off (RW) (SV217).

System : Play/Record : Default stop keys enabled : On/Off (RW) (SV547)
This variable disables the system-configured pause and stop keys, which can be used to interrupt voice while it is being played or recorded. These keys are defined by the Pause Key and Stop Key system parameters (Application Server Interface parameter group). For more information about setting these system parameters, refer to the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Configuring the System information. By default, SV547 is set to On, meaning that the pause and stop keys are enabled.

When SV547 is set to Off, you need to define alternative stop keys using system variable System : Play/Record : Alternate stop keys (SV183) if you wish to interrupt the play and record actions listed below with a DTMF key.

  • PlayAudioName
  • PlayUserGreeting
  • PlayVoiceMessage
  • PlayVoiceSegment
  • PlayVoiceFromHost
  • RecordAudioName
  • RecordUserGreeting
  • RecordVoiceMessage
  • RecordVoiceSegment
  • RecordVoiceToHost
Note: In the case of PlayVoiceFromHost, when SV547 is set to Off, and the Pause and Stop Key(s) parameter is selected in the action, any User Input keys and events that may have occurred while voice was playing are not flushed at the end of the action.
System : Play/Record : Voice time (in ms) (SV190)
This variable indicates the total actual recording or playing time for one of the following actions:
  • PlayAudioName
  • PlayUserGreeting
  • PlayVoiceMessage
  • PlayVoiceSegment
  • PlayVoiceFromHost
  • RecordAudioName
  • RecordUserGreeting
  • RecordVoiceMessage
  • RecordVoiceSegment
  • RecordVoiceToHost

At the end of the action, the variable contains the total playing or recording time. Pause time is omitted, but silence is included.

If you need to calculate the total playing or recording time for the whole call, you must store this value after each action.

System : Previous action's details (RO) (SV239)
This variable contains information about the action just executed. It gives the name of the action, the line number where is appears in the state table, the result of that action as returned in System : Previous action's result (SV40), and the value of System : Action additional information (SV180). This variable is a read-only string in the following format:


where LLLL is the line number, ActionName is the name of the action, RR is the result, and AA is the additional information (SV180) value. These fields are padded to the left with zero.

Note: When using the state table debugger, the line number will not contain the expected value, except when the previous action was in a state table invoked from the debugger using the InvokeStateTable action.
System : Previous action's result (SV40)
This variable contains the result returned by the previous action. For example, if the previous action was PlayVoiceMessage and it returned “Caller Hung Up”, this variable is set to 19. The results of all actions are listed in the file “actionedges.h”.
System : Prompt : Volume ceiling (RW) (SV223)
This variable specifies the difference, in decibels (dBm), between the maximum permissible volume on the line and the maximum volume at which prompts will be played. If you make the difference larger, prompts are played more quietly. This variable is intended for use with background music. If you want to raise the volume of background music between prompts, specify a difference of 2 decibels for this variable and a difference of 7 decibels for the System : Music : Volume ceiling default system variable. The state table can then use the ControlMusic action to raise and lower the volume of the music relative to the background ceiling.

Blueworx Voice Response ensures that the values of System : Prompt : Volume ceiling and System : Music : Volume ceiling cannot together result in the volume on the line exceeding the maximum permissible volume.

This variable is initially set to the value of the Prompt Volume Ceiling Default system parameter when an application starts. The application can change this value, overriding the current value.

Possible values for this variable are 0 through 50.

Do not change this variable while background music is being asynchronously faded in or out, as this can cause a jump in the volume.

System : Progress tone ID (SV175)
This variable contains a call progress tone identifier, which can be used to determine the tone that caused an Unexpected Tone result in the MakeCall, Dial, TransferCall, or ReconnectCall state table actions.
System : Progress tone type (SV176)
This variable contains the type of call progress tone received, which can be used to determine the tone that caused an Unexpected Tone result in the MakeCall, Dial, TransferCall, or ReconnectCall state table actions. Tone types are listed in the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Configuring the System information.
System : Record : Start tone type (SV191) (RW)
This variable defines the type of tone played just before voice recording starts (and when pause times out). The types of tone available are:
No tone.
Short tone (the same tone as that played to warn callers that the time limit on recording is about to expire).
Long tone (this is the default).

It applies to the following actions:

  • RecognizeWord
  • RecordAudioName
  • RecordUserGreeting
  • RecordVoiceMessage
  • RecordVoiceSegment
  • RecordVoiceToHost
System : RecordVoiceToHost : Enable tone (SV299) (RW)
This variable specifies whether a tone is played just before voice recording starts. Valid values are:

This variable applies to the RecordVoiceToHost action.

System : Report : CDR User Key (RW) (SV240)
Use this variable to tag Call Detail Records (CDRs) with a key that you define. This ten-character key is stored as part of the CDR in DB2 and can be used to link the CDR logged by Blueworx Voice Response with other user data.

This variable is set to a null string when a state table application starts and can be set at any time. Once set, it retains its value until either it is changed by the application or the application ends. It applies to all calls, inbound and outbound, that are completed using either the TerminateCall or CloseEverything actions, after the value is set.

System : Report : Current state (SV164)
This variable contains the label of the current state in the state table. The value is set by the system while a state table is executing. If there is no label on the currently executing state, this variable is set to the empty string.

Use this variable to set the System : Report : Hangup state variable.

System : Report : Hangup state (RW) (SV162)
This variable can be used to set the state label logged as the hang up state in the Call Information Termination Report. It can be set to the value of the System : Report : Current state (SV164) or System : Report : Previous state (SV163) system variables.

If you do not set this variable during the execution of the voice application, the value of SV163 is reported as the hangup state. That is, the system sets this variable to the label of the state executed before the CloseEverything or TerminateCall that hung up the call. If you want some other state to be reported as the hang up state, then set this variable using the AssignData state table action.

System : Report : Previous state (SV163)
This variable contains the label of the last state executed prior to the current state. The value is set by the system while a state table is executing. If the previous state did not have a label, this variable is set to the label of the most recently executed state that did have a label.

Use this variable to set the System : Report : Hangup state variable.

System : SSI : State (SV540)
This variable contains the configuration type of the Blueworx Voice Response system. Use this variable to determine how the system is configured in a single system image (SSI).

Possible values are:

The configuration type of the system could not be determined because the database could not be opened.
The system is a stand-alone system (that is, it is not configured as part of a single system image).
The system is configured as a client node within a single system image.
The system is configured as a server node within a single system image.
System : Subscriber Timezone (RW) (SV545)
This variable contains the value of a subscriber's timezone. When the system is started, SV545 is set to the value of the system's TZ environment variable. It can subsequently be set to any string, in the same format as that permitted for the TZ system environment variable.
The value of SV545 may affect the value of the following time-related system variables:
  • SV26 – Message : Sent date, time, and day of week in YYYYMMDDhhmmssW
  • SV548 – Message : Listened date, time, and day of week in YYYYMMDDhhmmssW
  • SV36 – System : Date : Date, time, and day of week in YYYYMMDDhhmmssW
  • SV37 – System : Date : Day of week
  • SV38 – System : Date : Month of year
  • SV42 – System : Date : Date in YYYYMMDD
  • SV43 – System : Date : Time in hhmmss
  • SV44 – System : Date : Day of month
  • SV45 – System : Date : Day of year
  • SV46 – System : Date : Year in YYYY

The value of SV545 can also affect the value of current time that is used by the ChangeMessageAttributes action to check acceptable date and time boundaries for forward dating a message.

System : System name (SV139)
This variable specifies the name of the system, as in the System Name system parameter, or the IP hostname if the system parameter is not set.
System : Timer : milliseconds (RW) (SV236)
This variable gives the time in milliseconds, rounded to the nearest integer, since the timer was last reset. The timer is automatically reset when an application starts. Also, you can reset it by writing any value to it.
Note: When using the state table debugger, the timer is reset when CloseEverything is called.
System : Timer : seconds (RW) (SV235)
This variable gives the time in seconds, rounded to the nearest integer, since the timer was last reset. The timer is automatically reset when an application starts. Also, you can reset it by writing any value to it.
Note: When using the state table debugger, the timer is reset when CloseEverything is called.
System : Voice interrupt detection : On/Off (RW) (SV217)
This variable allows voice input by the caller to affect the application in a similar way to stop-key input. Voice input will interrupt the play actions (in certain modes, for example no-force-played prompts) and will be trapped between actions.

The default value of SV217 is 0 (voice interrupt detection set to off). When SV217 is set to 1 voice interrupt detection is enabled.

Voice input will not be returned as a GetKey or GetData result, or in SV184 System : Play/Record : Actual stop key, however, it will block PlayPrompt and PlayVoiceFromHost in the same way as DTMF, and may be “flushed” using the GetData or GetKey actions in the same way as DTMF.

The value is used by the following state table actions:

  • PlayAudioName
  • PlayPrompt
  • PlayUserGreeting
  • PlayVoiceMessage
  • PlayVoiceSegment
  • PlayVoiceFromHost

When these actions are stopped by voice detection, they return Succeeded, and SV180 System : Action additional information, is set to 2.

When these actions are stopped by DTMF input, they return Succeeded, and SV180 System : Action additional information, is set to 1.

When these actions finish playing without being interrupted, they return Succeeded, and SV180 System : Action additional information, is set to 0. See descriptions of the actions in Prompt statements for full explanations of how they behave when there is DTMF or voice input.

This variable is also used by the WaitEvent action. When WaitEvent is stopped by voice detection it returns the Voice Event edge.

Note: The AnswerCall and MakeCall actions reset SV217 to its default. For example, if your state table performs a TerminateCall followed by a MakeCall, voice interrupt detection is reset to OFF, so you need to reactivate voice interrupt detection and reset the level (SV218) for the new call.
System : Voice interrupt detection : Level (RW) (SV218)
This variable specifies the level of the audio signal required to trigger voice interrupt detection. When the level of the audio signal exceeds and remains above this level Blueworx Voice Response interprets it as a voice interruption.

For a voice interrupt to be detected by Blueworx Voice Response three criteria must be met:

  1. The energy level of the audio signal must be equal to or exceed the value specified in the voice interrupt detection level variable,
  2. the energy level of the audio signal must remain equal to or above this level for the time specified in the voice interrupt detection time on variable,
  3. the energy level of the audio signal must then remain below the value specified in the voice interrupt detection level variable for the time specified in the voice interrupt detection time off variable.

This system variable is initially set to the value of the Voice Interrupt Detection Level system parameter when an application starts. The application can change this value overriding the current value.

Possible values for this variable are -47dBm to 0dBm. The default value is -43dBm.

See also the system parameters, Voice Interrupt Detection Level, Voice Interrupt Detection Off Time, and Voice Interrupt Detection On Time in the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Configuring the System information.

System : Voice interrupt detection : On time (RW) (SV219)
This variable specifies the time the level of the audio signal must stay above the voice interrupt detection level before Blueworx Voice Response interprets it as a voice interrupt.

This system variable is initially set to the value of the Voice Interrupt Detection On Time system parameter when an application starts. The application can change this value overriding the current value.

Possible values for this variable are 100 ms through 200 ms. The default value is 160 ms.

System : Voice interrupt detection : Off time (RW) (SV220)
This variable specifies the time the audio signal must stay below the voice interrupt detection level.

This system variable is initially set to the value of the Voice Interrupt Detection Off Time system parameter when an application starts. The application can change this value overriding the current value.

Possible values for this variable are 0 ms through 1000 ms. The default value is 200 ms.

System : Voice segment compression type (RW) (SV50)
This variable indicates the compression type for voice data. Possible values are:
Clear Channel (Uncompressed)

The value is used by the following state table actions:

  • CheckStorage
  • PlayVoiceSegment
  • PlayVoiceFromHost
  • RecordVoiceSegment
  • RecordVoiceToHost

For PlayVoiceFromHost and RecordVoiceToHost, the compression mode should be the same as that used by the corresponding custom server subroutine. If it is not, the RecordVoiceToHost action returns the CA_INV_COMPRESSION_TYPE error condition. For speech recognition or similar applications, the compression type must be clear channel (uncompressed).

System : Voice table index : Characters (RW) (SV193)
This variable lists the entries in the voice table specified by SV192 in the order they appear in the table. The index is used by the CHARACTERS prompt statement to determine which voice segment to play. The initial value is specified by the Voice Table Index (Characters) system parameter, which defaults to “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ”.
System : Voice table name : Characters (RW) (SV192)
This variable specifies the name of the voice table to be searched first by the CHARACTERS prompt statement. The initial value is the name specified by the Voice Table Name (Characters) system parameter, which defaults to “Alphabet”.
System : Voice table name : Digits (RW) (SV194)
This variable specifies the name of the voice table to be searched first by the DIGITS prompt statement. The initial value is the name specified by the Voice Table Name (Digits) system parameter, which defaults to “Numbers”.