This structure contains the constraint parameters for
redialing. For a more detailed description, refer to the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX:
Configuring the System information.
- iFailedListCapacity
- Specifies the length of the failed call list, which stores failed
- iTimeout
- Specifies the time period over which failed calls will be monitored.
Once this period has elapsed, Blueworx Voice Response removes
the extension from the failed call list.
- iMaxConsecutiveFails
- Specifies the maximum number of consecutive failures that can
occur during the time period specified by iTimeout.
When this
number is reached, Blueworx Voice Response prevents further calls
to that extension.
- iSignificantDigits
- Specifies what proportion of the number should be used in the
failed table list. This enables area codes to be stripped from the
dialled number. The default value of 0 makes all digits significant.
- fActive
- Specifies that redial limitation is active.
- Specifies that redial limitation is not active.