Receive a request primitive from the signaling interface.
The signaling interface library (libsl.a).
C syntax
#include <slsigpr.h>
SL_RET_CODE sl_receive_request(
SL_HANDLE sl_handle,
int timeout,
SL_REQUEST_ST * psignalingRequest
This subroutine is used by a signaling process to receive a request primitive
from the signaling interface. The subroutine can be used in different ways,
depending on the value of the timeout parameter specified:
- The signaling process can use the poll() system call to detect
the arrival of a request primitive, specifying the message queue identifier
returned from the sl_register() subroutine. The signaling process
must then receive the primitive by specifying a timeout of 0.
- The signaling process can specify a positive timeout to block
until a request is available or a timeout occurs.
- The signaling process can specify a negative timeout for an indefinite
If the return value is SLRC_OK, the request primitive is returned
in the structure pointed to by psignalingRequest.
After processing the request primitive, the signaling process must use the sl_send_confirm() subroutine to return the result
to the channel process or custom server. If the primitive fails or is not
implemented, report this by using the sl_send_confirm() subroutine
to send a confirm primitive with the ReplyCode field set to indicate
the failure.
- sl_handle
- The signaling handle returned by the sl_open() subroutine.
- timeout
- > 0
- How long to wait, in seconds, if there is no primitive available.
- = 0
- The subroutine should return immediately if no primitive is available.
- < 0
- The subroutine should not return until a primitive is available.
- psignaling
- Pointer to the request primitive structure. This is filled
in with the received primitive only if the function returns SLRC_OK.
Return values
- Successful.
- Invalid sl_handle.
- Invalid parameter: psignalingRequest=NULL.
- An internal error occurred in the signaling interface.
- There is no outstanding request primitive for the signaling process.
- The signaling process has not registered with the signaling interface,
by using the sl_register() subroutine.
- An AIX error has occurred. Check the value of errno for more
- No primitive was received before the timeout expired.
- A system call was interrupted. Retry the call.