Fileset consistency warnings are displayed on startup

The fileset consistency checker runs at Blueworx Voice Response startup and checks whether all the Blueworx Voice Response filesets on your system are at a consistent level. This check does not affect the Blueworx Voice Response startup. The system displays the results in the DTstatus.out window.
Are the Blueworx Voice Response filesets at inconsistent levels?
If the Blueworx Voice Response filesets are not consistent, the system displays a warning message. For example, if the fileset dirTalk.ISDN.Euro-ISDN is out of step with the level of base Blueworx Voice Response that is installed, the system would display a message similar to the following:
Checking fileset consistency
*** WARNING ****************************************************
dirTalk.ISDN.Euro-ISDN is at level - the matching
level is
If the system displays a message of this type, upgrade the inconsistent fileset to the required level.
Are any of the files being checked corrupt?
If any files that contain fileset information have been corrupted, the system displays a message stating that not all consistency checks were performed. For example:
Checking fileset consistency
Only 2 of 3 consistency checks performed
If the system displays a message of this type, contact Blueworx Support. This is not an urgent problem and your system will not be affected.