Stage 4: Machine has been present in the SS7 cluster but is not now?

Try the following step on the machine that has disappeared from the SS7 cluster.

  1. Log onto the SS7 Server machine as dtuser
  2. Enter the SS7_MAINT command
  3. From the top level menu, enter F (Fault Finding)
  4. On the submenu, enter 2 (D7 Process Check)
A screen similar to the one below is displayed:
*** D7 Process checking ***
   PID  STAT  MODE  HOST             MUX         OBJECT
124806    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/0       daemon [name=apmd]
124234    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/2       daemon [name=mlogd]
 43552    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/3       daemon [name=spmd]
 36588    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/4       daemon [name=netd]
147110    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/5       daemon [name=alarmd]
147110    ok   L|A  b80e             spm/6       nmdobj [name=AlarmExt]
108324    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/7       daemon [name=dsmd]
153932    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/8       daemon [name=dkmd]
 43802    ok   L|A  b80e             spm/10      nmdobj [name=ebs_ps]
*** SUCCESS : D7 system configured for WVR operation
Based on the message at the bottom of your screen, go to the corresponding section as defined in this table:
Message Action
SUCCESS : D7 system configured for SS7 Server . Go to stage 4a
SUCCESS : D7 system configured for WVR operation Go to stage 4b
FAILED : D7 system is not running Go to stage 4c
FAILED : MTP-3(upmd) is not running Go to stage 4d
FAILED : ISUP(isupd) is not running. Go to stage 4d

Stage 4a: The machine has been configured for SS7 Server

The report suggests that the machine has been configured for SS7 Server (or Combined). If this is correct, proceed to Stage 5. Otherwise repeat stage 3 with this machine.

Stage 4b: The machine has been configured as a Blueworx Voice Response client

The report suggests that the machine has been configured for Blueworx Voice Response client. If this is correct, proceed to Stage 5. Otherwise repeat stage 1 with this machine.

Stage 4c: D7 package is not running

It appears that the D7 package is not running. Try using option D of SS7_MAINT to start the D7 package. Using the M option may offer useful information as to why it does not start.

Stage 4d: There is a problem starting this machine as an SS7 Server

There appears to a problem in starting this machine as an SS7 Server or combined client/server. If this is the correct configuration, then return to Stage 1. Otherwise return to Stage 3.