Stage 2: Which other machines are present?

After completing Stage 1, you should have an SS7 Server machine with a D7 package running. The next stage is to investigate which other machines are present in the SS7 Cluster.

If the SS7 cluster is a single machine then skip this stage and go to Stage 3

Otherwise use the following steps to investigate which other machines are present, and their state of health:
  1. Log onto the SS7 Server machine as dtuser.
  2. Enter the SS7_MAINT command.
  3. From the top level menu, enter F (Fault Finding).
  4. From the submenu enter 1 (D7 Network Check).
A screen is displayed as below:
*** D7 Network checking ***
LINK  TYPE      HOST             RMTHOST     STAT    TIME                  HBEAT
   8  tcp/ip    Mercury          Venus        L|A    Mon May 17 13:49:24      ok
   9  tcp/ip    Mercury          Mars         U      Tue May 18 10:52:16       -
   0  pci3xapq  Venus            -            L|A    Mon May 17 13:49:17       -
Select an option :
The output above is from a machine named Mercury, and indicates the following:
By matching the data displayed on your screen with the symptoms listed below, go to the corresponding section liste in the Action column:
Symptom Action
A machine is missing from the list Go to stage 2a
A listed machine under RMTHOST has a U under the STAT column Go to stage 2b
An SS7 adapter card is missing from the list, but the machine holding the adapter is present in the list Go to stage 2c
If all expected machines and SS7 adapters are present Go to stage 2d

Stage 2a : A machine is missing from the cluster

If the machine is configured as an SS7 Server (or Combined) then repeat Stage 1 for that machine. Otherwise proceed to stage 3, assuming it is configured as a Blueworx Voice Response client.

Stage 2b: The named machine in RMTHOST has been part of the SS7 cluster but has since failed

Go to Stage 4

Stage 2c: A machine containing an SS7 adapter card is present in the SS7 cluster, but is not activated

Go to Stage 6

Stage 2d: The machines within the SS7 cluster appear to be in order

Go to Stage 5