As the SS7_D7 custom server processes messages between the Blueworx Voice Response system and the SS7 stack, events are logged into shared memory. This is a continuous activity and minimises the effect on the performance of the function. This information can be read to screen and recorded to files using the ss7view (see ss7view –event for details).
The events can be interpreted into message flows between the various components with the ss7view –message option (see ss7view –message for details). The ss7view –event also has an option –R for copying the shared memory direct to disk for offline processing. The primary purpose of this event facility is to capture events prior to an error being report.
Reviewing the event enables diagnostics to be performed. The ss7view –trigger (see ss7view –trigger) enables automatic capture of event information direct to disk when selected errors message are detected. The default operation of this function is defined in the logging and event file configuration (see Logging and event file for details).