This information provides an overview of how you can use the Blueworx SS7 Support for Blueworx Voice Response product with Blueworx Voice Response for AIX® to connect to telephone switches using the SS7 protocol. This information aims to help you install and configure the product, and provide system administration support for the product once it is running.
This information describes SS7 Support for Blueworx Voice Response Version 6.1. If you are a newcomer to using the SS7 protocol with Blueworx Voice Response, start with Introducing SS7 Support for Blueworx Voice Response, which provides an overview and describes some typical installations.
In this information, SS7 Support for Blueworx Voice Response is generally referred to as SS7 Support for Blueworx Voice Response, and Distributed7 is abbreviated to D7.
This edition applies to Version 6, Release 1 of SS7 Support for Blueworx Voice Response (program numbers 5799-GZL, 5799-GZQ), and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Make sure you are using the correct edition for the level of the product.