
This topic includes details of the parameters required to modify the configuration of a session with the MRCP text-to-speech server engine and return codes.


Optionally use this state table to modify the configuration of a session with the MRCP text-to-speech server. Configuration data applies to the session, not to an engine. Configuration remains valid for the duration of the session. Sequential invocation of this action within a session can be used to add to and override configuration settings for the session.


MST_TTS_Config augments and updates the default configuration in file $CUR_DIR/ca/MST_dir/mst.xml, which must contain a set of header fields to be loaded into the TTS engine when first allocated.



session_id (Number)
The session identifier allocated on the successful call to MST_TTS_Assign.
session_parameters (Tag String)
The MRCP TTS configuration updates to be applied to the session. To build the string, use the PutTag operator of the AssignData state table action. See 4.i details of how to use PutTag. The MRCP header fields that can be specified in session_parameters are defined in the MRCP specification and are passed unchanged to the MRCP TTS server using the MRCP SET_PARAMS call. See Table 1.


return_code (Number)
Contains the result of the action. See below for details.

Return codes

0 - Success
The configuration parameters have been set successfully.
7 - Protocol error
The text-to-speech server has reported a protocol error. More details about the exact error will be logged to the Blueworx Voice Response error log.
8 - Invalid session
The session ID specified was not valid.
9 - Parameter error
A parameter is in error (for example, a parameter is too long). More details about the exact error will be logged to the Blueworx Voice Response error log.
10 - Failed
An unexpected problem occurred. More details about the exact error will be logged to the Blueworx Voice Response error log.
Protocol error returned by the MRCP server if a parameter passed in the correct format, but the MRCP server cannot process it, for example, when an unsupported language is specified. For details of these codes and their meaning, refer to the MRCP V1 specification available at: