To run VoiceXML, CCXML or Java applications you need to ensure that the Java and VoiceXML environment is installed on the Blueworx Voice Response system.
To find out whether it is installed, log on as dtuser and type dtjver on the command line. This should tell you which version you have installed. If dtjver is not found, you should simply install the Java and VoiceXML environment from the Blueworx Voice Response installation CD.
The rest of this documentation explains how to deploy and manage VoiceXML, CCXML and Java applications in the Blueworx Voice Response Java and VoiceXML Environment. For detailed information about the syntax of the VoiceXML language, and how to create VoiceXML applications, see the Blueworx Voice Response: VoiceXML Programmer's Guide, available on the Blueworx Voice Response Version 6.1 Quick Start CD.