Blueworx Voice Response includes application components that need to be imported into Blueworx Voice Response before they can be used. Two of them have already been imported automatically because they are essential to system operation (the base applications and the U.S. English system prompts); these are provided as import files so that you can restore them easily if they become corrupted. All the others are optional sample programs and other components that not all users need. These components and the path names of the import files are listed here. All the import files end in .imp. All the directories are within /usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/.
Use Table 1 to decide which files you need to import and record those you have imported. For example, if you are planning to use batch voice import, you need to import sw/samples/BVI.imp. The column headed “AP?” indicates whether an application profile is required.
Component |
Path Name Relative to /usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/ |
AP? |
✓ |
Admin custom server (required for some command line utilities) |
admin/admin.imp |
Batch voice import program |
samples/BVI.imp |
3270 server sample program |
samples/3270ServerSample.imp |
Yes |
Signaling process that communicates with CallPath Server |
samples/CTI.imp |
Custom server sample program |
samples/CustomServerSample.imp |
Yes |
Base applications (automatically imported) |
samples/BaseData.imp |
Yes |
✓ |
Voice application sample programs |
samples/RecordAudionameSample.imp |
Yes |
samples/VoiceMessagingSample.imp |
Yes |
Source files of background music subsystem, sample tunes, and sample voice application with background music |
samples/juke_box.imp |
Yes |
TDM Trombone Utility |
samples/IBM_Trombone.imp |
Yes |
Fax sample application |
fax/FaxSample.imp |
Yes |
ISDN call transfer application |
isdn/call_transfer/ISDN_Call_Xfer.imp |
Signaling process for 5ESS 5E8 ISDN 1 |
isdn/sigproc_5ess_5e8/sigproc_5ess_5e8.imp |
Signaling process for 5ESS 5E9 ISDN 1 |
isdn/sigproc_5ess_5e9/sigproc_5ess_5e9.imp |
Signaling process for DMS100 BCS34 ISDN 1 |
isdn/sigproc_dms100_bcs34/sigproc_dms100_bcs34.imp |
Signaling process for INS Net Service 1500 ISDN 1 |
isdn/sigproc_ins_isdn/sigproc_ins_isdn.imp |
Signaling process for EuroISDN 1 |
isdn/sigproc_euroisdn/sigproc_euroisdn.imp |
Signaling process for AT&T 1 |
isdn/sigproc_att_tr41449/sigproc_att_tr41449.imp |
Signaling process for ISDN National 2 and 5ESS 5E12 1 |
isdn/sigproc_t1_nat/sigproc_t1_nat.imp |
Signaling process for DMS-100 National (NA007/8) 1 |
isdn/sigproc_t1_nat/sigproc_dms_nat.imp |
Signaling process for DMS-250 1 |
isdn/sigproc_dms250/sigproc_dms250.imp |
Signaling process for QSIG |
isdn/sigproc_qsig/sigproc_qsig.imp |
System prompts in Belgian Dutch |
samples/BelgianDutch.imp |
System prompts in Brazilian Portuguese |
samples/BrazilianPortuguese.imp |
System prompts in French |
samples/French.imp |
System prompts in German |
samples/German.imp |
System prompts in Italian |
samples/Italian.imp |
System prompts in U.K. English |
samples/UKEnglish.imp |
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) |
samples/TTD.imp |
TDD sample custom server |
samples/TTDSample.imp |
Yes |
ADSI custom server |
adsi/ADSI.imp |
Cisco custom server |
geotel/GeoTel.imp |
Avaya Interaction Center VOX connector |
samples/VOX_CTI.imp | ||
Voice over IP/SIP |
voip/sigproc_sip/sigproc_sip.imp | ||
Voice over IP/SIP Call Transfer |
voip/call_transfer/VOIP_Call_Transfer.imp | ||
Repeat this procedure for each of the import files.
The system displays an Import File dialog box.
The system displays a list of files in that path.
The system imports the files, then displays the Import Report window, showing information about the import process.
If you have imported a custom server, you need to start it before you can use it. Refer to the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Managing and Monitoring the System information for instructions.
The application is installed and ready for your use. In some cases, you need to create an application profile for it before it can be used. See the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Designing and Managing State Table Applications information for information about creating application profiles.
If you are installing Blueworx Voice Response for the first time, you have now finished the installation process proper and are ready to continue with configuration. To integrate Blueworx Voice Response with Communications Server, see Data communications network activities. For details of Blueworx Voice Response configuration, see the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Configuring the System information.
If you are migrating from a previous release of DirectTalk:
Next step: