Blueworx Voice Response for AIX Version 6.1 support for the Genesys I-Server interface now includes the Genesys Route Request/Response API.
For further information, see Using the Genesys RouteRequest function
This Genesys API function is accessed using the VXML object tag. Some Genesys properties have to be configured before using this API function.
For better compatibility with the Genesys supplied D2IS custom server Blueworx Voice Response can now be configured using the configuration parameter Inbound Call Channel Allocation Method so that a call is allocated to a specific “logical” trunk and channel as determined by a SIP Switch or Gateway, ensuring the call is delivered and communicated as if it was a physical endpoint.
A new optional TelephonyService configuration parameter CalledNumberType for use with Genesys I-Server, controls the presentation of the called number. This allows the called number to be presented in the most appropriate way for TDM or SIP calls. See CalledNumberType.
It is now possible to specify that SIP Genesys CTI call transfers are re-routed through Blueworx Voice Response if for some reason a transfer operation using Genesys CTI cannot be completed satisfactorily. See Re-routing Genesys CTI call transfers through Blueworx Voice Response.