The main logic for the fax sample application is provided by a single state table called FaxSample. This state table handles both inbound and outbound processing, providing the means by which:
The state table is invoked by a Blueworx Voice Response application profile upon receipt of an incoming call. The application asks the caller to choose either inbound or outbound processing, each of which will subsequently prompt the caller for information and for confirmation of actions. Alternatively, the caller can press Start on the calling phone/fax machine at this time to transmit a new fax to the application.
The fax sample application FaxSample uses prompts from the FaxSample prompt directory which references System_Macros prompts, system voice segments and additional voice segments stored in the FaxSample voice directory.
In order to manipulate faxes stored in the database, the FaxSample state table calls the custom server FaxSample_CS using the standard custom-server SendData and ReceiveData actions. The underlying fax send and receive actions are performed by the BrooktroutFax custom server.
The ASCII form of the FaxSample state table can be imported directly into the state table editor using the import utility of the editor. The state table must then be validated and saved before use.