btq_list command

This command will display the contents of the queue in a formatted fashion.

Here is an example of how the output looks:
 ID     Q Date       Q Time    Profile   Destination   Tries      Filename
 ==     ======       ======    =======   ===========   =====      ========
 34   2000/05/24    13:01:55    1234     3054361571       1     /tmp/fax321.tif
 35   2000/05/24    13:21:18    2703     3054361571       1     /tmp/fax980.tif
There is a -c command line option that will display the queue information without a header and with colon-separated fields. This would be useful if some other application will be formatting and presenting the data. Here is what the output looks like when btq_list -c is invoked: