Using Blueworx Voice Response call tags

You can incorporate information associated with Blueworx Voice Response call tags, which convey information from a signaling process, to a CCXML document.

The Blueworx Voice Response call tags map to Blueworx Voice Response specific system variables:

Contains information about an incoming call such as calling party data or the service to which they wish to be connected.
Contains information about an outgoing call such as called party data.
Each call tag has a number of attributes but the tags and attributes that are available depends on the telephony signaling protocol being used and the current connection state.

For full details of Blueworx Voice Response call tags and how to use them, refer to Call Tag variables in the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Application Development using State Tables information.

The specification for CCXML defines some protocol-independent connection-related variables that can be used to return related connection data. Blueworx Voice Response for AIX Version 6.1 supports such session variables for the SIP, ISDN and SS7 protocols. The settings for the protocol independent connection variables defined by CCXML are as follows:

Table 1. CCXML protocol independent connection variables
Connection Variable Possible Value
event$.connection.aai Set based on the protocol, as follows:
The contents of the USR_USR tag.
The contents of the USRUSR tag.
The setting of the value associated with the aai or uui keyword in the incoming REQ_HDR (see below for a full explanation)
"q931", "sip", or "ss7"

(depending on the value of the PROTOCOL tag.)

event$.connection.protocol.version 0

The settings for the generic protocol specific variables defined by CCXML are as follows:

Table 2. CCXML generic protocol specific variables
Variable Possible Value

For example:

"q931", "sip", or "ss7"

(depending on the value of the PROTOCOL call tag.)


For example:

RFC3261, EUROISDN, ISUP or other variant name (depending on the value of the VARIANT attribute of the PROTOCOL call tag).

For example:

24, 36, or other valid number (depending on the value of the NUM attribute of the PROTOCOL call tag).

All protocol specific call tags and attributes supported by Blueworx Voice Response are also available as independent CCXML variables (in lower case), if the tag data is present in the call. Tags are returned as a key where the key is the tag name. To read a tag value use key.value, to read an attribute use key.attribute_name. All key and attribute_names are in lower case. The tag and attribute values returned have their case preserved.

Using call information in CCXML

For ISDN as an example, the following tag and attributes are used by state tables to provide calling number data:

Table 3. ISDN Call Tags and corresponding CCXML variable
ISDN Call Tag Corresponding CCXML variable
CLGN event$.connection.protocol.q931.clgn.value
CLGN.SCREEN event$.connection.protocol.q931.clgn.screen
CLGN.PRESENT event$.connection.protocol.q931.clgn.present
CLGN.NUMBER_TYPE event$.connection.protocol.q931.clgn.number_type
CLGN.NUMBER_PLAN event$.connection.protocol.q931.clgn.number_plan

To check if a variable is currently in use, you can use a similar approach to that used in the following ISDN example:

<transition event="connection.connected">
<if cond="event$.connection.protocol.q931.clgn != undefined">
   <log expr="'connection.alerting connection.protocol.q931.clgn.value: '
          + event$.connection.protocol.q931.clgn.value"/>
   <log expr="'connection.alerting connection.protocol.q931.clgn.number_type: '
          + event$.connection.protocol.q931.clgn.number_type"/>
   <log expr="'connection.alerting connection.protocol.q931.clgn.number_plan: '
          + event$.connection.protocol.q931.clgn.number_plan"/>
   <log expr="'connection.alerting connection.protocol.q931.clgn.present: '
          + event$.connection.protocol.q931.clgn.present"/>
   <log expr="'connection.alerting connection.protocol.q931.clgn.screen: '
          + event$.connection.protocol.q931.clgn.screen"/>

In SIP, the TO_HDR tag contains header data. The corresponding CCXML variables are:


To check if this variable is currently in use, you can use the approach in the following SIP example:

<if cond="event$.connection.protocol.sip.to_hdr != undefined">
   <log expr="'connection.alerting connection.protocol.sip.to_hdr.value: '
          + event$.connection.protocol.sip.to_hdr.value"/>
   <log expr="'connection.alerting connection.protocol.sip.to_hdr: undefined'"/>

Using the SIP REQ_HDR call tag information in CCXML is more complicated because any key value pairs after the first terminator (";" or "&") on the REQ_HDR call tag are returned as variables. For example, the following REQ_HDR:


resolves to the following independent CCXML event$.* variables shown in the following CCXML example:

<log expr="'connection.alerting connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.value: '
          + event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.value"/>
<log expr="'connection.alerting connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.aai: '
          + event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.aai"/>
<log expr="'connection.alerting connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.uui: '
          + event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.uui"/>
<log expr="'connection.alerting connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.voicexml: '
          + event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.voicexml"/>
<log expr="'connection.alerting connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.maxage: '
          + event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.maxage"/>
<log expr="'connection.alerting connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.maxstale: '
          + event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.maxstale"/> 

The last key of aai in the REQ_HDR tag is also mapped into the event$.connection.aai session variable. If no aai keys are present, the last uui key is mapped. If no aai or uui keys are present, the event$.connection.aai session variable is empty.

Note: The Blueworx Voice Response SIP stack:
Figure 1 is an example CCXML file that shows how SIP REQ_HDR call tags can be used to select a VoiceXML file to process and how call tags can be passed as parameters to the VoiceXML application. An example of a VoiceXML file that could be used in this way and which accesses the passed parameters is shown in Figure 2. The following REQ_HDR would cause the logparameters.vxml file to be processed:
The following REQ_HDR would cause a fetch for start.jsp

The CCXML file also shows how a fetch request for a VoiceXML document (generated by a JSP) with attached parameters can be created based on SIP REQ_HDR call tags from an incoming SIP call.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ccxml version="1.0">

<!--                                                                              -->
<!-- A simple CCXML example that looks for parameters provided on the SIP REQ_HDR -->
<!-- and uses them to start a vxml application on the local file system           -->
<!-- or post to a http server specifying the jsp                                  -->
<!-- So if a jsp of "start.jsp" is supplied with filename = "myfile"              -->
<!-- and filetype = "wav"                                                         -->
<!-- then the following fetch request will be sent:                               -->
<!-- -->
<!--                                                                              -->


    <transition event="ccxml.loaded">
      <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] Loaded CCXML application to invoke Dynamic VXML '"/>

    <transition event="connection.alerting">
      <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] Ringing...'"/>

    <transition event="connection.connected">
      <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] Answered'"/>
      <!-- check ??? -->
        <if cond="event$.connection.protocol != null">
        <!-- see if SIP call -->
          <if cond="event$.connection.protocol.sip != null">

          <!-- see if voicexml tag provided -->
            <if cond="event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.voicexml != null">
              <!-- hard code where to find vxml files -->
              <var name="vxmlname" expr="'file:///home/dtuser/'"/>

              <assign name="vxmlname" expr="vxmlname + event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.voicexml"/>
                <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] Starting file = ' + vxmlname"/>

                <!-- see if filename tag provided on REQ_HDR -->
                <if cond="event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.filename != null">
                  <var name="filename" expr="event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.filename"/>
                    <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] Passing filename = ' + filename"/>

                    <!-- see if filetype tag provided on REQ_HDR -->
                      <if cond="event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.filetype != null">
                        <var name="filetype" expr="event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.filetype"/>
                          <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] Passing filetype = ' + filetype"/>
                           <!-- start VXML application with both parameters -->
                        <dialogstart src="vxmlname"  parameters="filename filetype"/>
                        <!-- start VXML application with filename parameter -->
                        <dialogstart src="vxmlname"  parameters="filename"/>
                            <!-- start VXML application with no parameters -->
                            <dialogstart src="vxmlname"/>
Figure 1. CCXML file using parameters derived from SIP REQ_HDR call tags
          <!-- see if jsp tag provided -->
            <elseif cond="event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.jsp != null"/>
              <!-- hard code where to find jsp on server -->
              <var name="jspname" expr="''"/>

              <assign name="jspname" expr="jspname + event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.jsp"/>
                <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] File from server = ' + jspname"/>

              <!-- see if filename tag provided on REQ_HDR -->
              <if cond="event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.filename != null">
                <var name="filename" expr="event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.filename"/>
                  <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] Passing filename = ' + filename"/>

                <!-- see if filetype tag provided on REQ_HDR -->
                <if cond="event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.filetype != null">
                  <var name="filetype" expr="event$.connection.protocol.sip.req_hdr.filetype"/>
                  <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] Passing filetype = ' + filetype"/>
                  <!-- fetch from server with both parameters, "http:" in jspname causes a fetch -->
                  <dialogstart src="jspname"  namelist="filename filetype"/>
                <!-- fetch from server with filename parameter, "http:" in jspname causes a fetch -->
                  <dialogstart src="jspname"  namelist="filename"/>
             <!-- fetch from server with no parameters, "http:" in jspname causes a fetch -->
             <dialogstart src="jspname"/>
           <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] No VXML or JSP application supplied, hanging up'"/>
           <disconnect connectionid="event$.connectionid"/>
         <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] Was not a SIP call, hanging up'"/>
         <disconnect connectionid="event$.connectionid"/>
       <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] Did not have connection information available, hanging up'"/>
       <disconnect connectionid="event$.connectionid"/>

   <transition event="dialog.started">
     <log expr="'[' + event$.name + ']'"/>

    <transition event="dialog.exit">
      <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] Hanging up'"/>
      <disconnect connectionid="event$.connectionid"/>

    <transition event="connection.disconnected">
      <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] Disconnected...'"/>

    <transition event="error.*">
      <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] - reason was ' + event$.reason"/>

    <transition event="*">
      <log expr="'[' + event$.name + '] occured unexpectedly, not doing anything.'"/>

Figure 2. VoiceXML document using passed parameters derived from SIP REQ_HDR call tags
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vxml version="2.1" xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US">

  <form id="start">
    <!-- Check that the fileName parameter has been set -->
      <log>Entering parameter logging example</log>

      <!-- Check that parameters present -->
      <if cond=" == null">
        <log>No parameters provided so exiting</log>
        <log>Parameters provided</log>

        <!-- Check for specific parameters -->
        <if cond=" == null">
          <log>No filetype parameter provided</log>
          <log>filename parameter = <value expr=""/></log>

        <if cond=" == null">
          <log>No filetype parameter provided</log>
          <log>filetype parameter = <value expr=""/></log>


For an incoming call, the SIP CALLID_HDR and CALLINFO_HDR tags can be used in a similar way if these have been configured for processing in configuration file /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/sys_dir/voip/siphdrtags.cfg. See How Blueworx Voice Response processes incoming SIP Invites for more information.

To access CALLID_HDR and CALLINFO_HDR in CCXML, use the connection variables shown in the following table:

Table 4. Accessing SIP CALLID_HDR and CALLINFO_HDR headers
Variable Content
event$.connection.protocol.sip.callid_hdr.value Call-ID
event$.connection.protocol.sip.callinfo_hdr.value Full Call-Info
event$.connection.protocol.sip.callinfo_hdr.count The number of Call-Info headers present
event$.connection.protocol.sip.callinfo_hdr.infoN.uri The URI for Call-InfoN
event$.connection.protocol.sip.callinfo_hdr.infoN.purpose The purpose for Call-InfoN (if present in the header)
event$.connection.protocol.sip.callinfo_hdr.infoN.infoparam The infoparam for Call-InfoN (if present in the header), where infoparam is the name of an information parameter present in the information, for example, icon or card.
In this example, the source Call-Info header contains the following:
event$.connection.protocol.sip.callinfo_hdr.count: 3
event$.connection.protocol.sip.callinfo_hdr.info1.purpose: icon
event$.connection.protocol.sip.callinfo_hdr.info2.uri: http://www.example.oom/alice/
event$.connection.protocol.sip.callinfo_hdr.info2.purpose: info
event$.connection.protocol.sip.callinfo_hdr.info3.purpose: info
event$.connection.protocol.sip.callinfo_hdr.info3.username: access

Using other SIP header tags

For an incoming call, other, non-standard SIP header tags can be used in a similar way if these have been configured for processing in configuration file /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/sys_dir/voip/siphdrtags.cfg. See How Blueworx Voice Response processes incoming SIP Invites for more information.

To access other SIP header information in CCXML, use the connection variables as in the following generic example:

<if cond="event$.connection.protocol.sip.header name != undefined">
 <log expr="'[connection.alerting] connection.protocol.sip.header name.value:
            ' + event$.connection.protocol.sip.header name.value"/>
 <log expr="'[connection.alerting] connection.protocol.sip.header name: undefined'"/>


A SIP header with the name supported:

<if cond="event$.connection.protocol.sip.supported != undefined">
 <log expr="'[connection.alerting] connection.protocol.sip.supported.value:
            ' + event$.connection.protocol.sip.supported.value"/>
 <log expr="'[connection.alerting] connection.protocol.sip.supported: undefined'"/>

A SIP header with a name that includes a special character, such as ‘-’, user-to-user:

<if cond="event$.connection.protocol.sip['user-to-user'] != undefined">
 <log expr="'[connection.alerting] connection.protocol.sip['user-to-user'].value:
            ' + event$.connection.protocol.sip['user-to-user'].value"/>
 <log expr="'[connection.alerting] connection.protocol.sip['user-to-user']: undefined'"/>

Using arbitrary SIP headers with outgoing calls

For details of how to use arbitrary SIP headers with outgoing calls, see Using outbound arbitrary SIP headers in Voice XML and Call Control XML.