Parameters can also be passed and used in FDM files in either softkey definitions or in the main and overlay functions. They can be substituted into the operands of certain FDM functions (such as load_virtual_display) at execution time. The parameters for the main and overlay function are defined in the same way as those in the SDC files, as follows:
softkeyparms name1 name2 name3 number1;
softkey dial: "Dial Home" : "DIAL" {
display 1 "$name1" "$name2";
put 4 "Dial " "$name3";
send_dtmf "$number1";
function func name4 name5 {
load_virtual_display "$name4. and $name5.";
lvd "You have $$5 in your account";
In the above example, whatever is passed as parameters on the softkeyparms statement will be substituted into the softkey definitions wherever $name1, $name2, $name3, and $number1 occur in the operands of certain softkey statements.