
Several reports can be generated using the bvr -r command. These reports contain a more detailed snapshot of current SIP calls, active calls and VoiceXML applications. The reports are created in the /opt/blueworx/vr/log/<hostname>/report folder.


This file contains information on the current active SIP calls from the point of view of the SIP stack.

Table 1. sipstatus.out
Value Description
Age Age of the call in minutes and seconds
Call ID BVR call index
Status State of the call (See table below for values)

The SIP call can be in one of several states

Table 2. SIP Call State
State Description
IDLE Initial state, no call currently present
ACTIVE Established call
INBOUND_CALL_RINGING Incoming call BVR has not yet answered (eg no VoiceXML browser assigned yet and sent the 180)
INBOUND_CALL_ANSWERED Incoming call BVR has answered and waiting upon ACK
ENDED BVR call has ended
OUTBOUND_CALL_AWAITING_RESPONSE Outbound call made and no response received yet (mainly for MRCPv2 calls)
WAITING_TO_SEND_DISCONNECT Attempting to disconnect a call in the middle of a transaction (e.g. incomplete INVITE sequence)


This file contains information on the current SIP proxy configuration and the status of each configured proxy

Table 3. sipproxystatus.out
Value Description
Proxy Name The name of the proxy
Proxy Address The SIP address of the proxy
OPTIONS Ping Info Information about the OPTIONS ping configuration. If enabled, will say when the next check is due
Status Reports the current status of the SIP proxy

The SIP proxy can be in one of several states

Table 4. Status
Status Description
UP The proxy is considered UP and available to use
UP_AWAITING_OPTIONS_RESPONSE The proxy is considered UP and available to use. It is currently in the middle of an OPTIONS ping check and awaiting a response
DOWN The proxy is considered DOWN and not available to use
DOWN_AWAITING_OPTIONS_RESPONSE The proxy is considered DOWN and not available to use. It is currently in the middle of an OPTIONS ping check and awaiting a response
INVALID The proxy configuration supplied is invalid (this may be followed by a reason explaining why)
UNRESOLVABLE_URI The proxy appears to have valid configuration but the supplied URI could not be resolved (this may be followed by a reason explaining why)


This file contains information on the current active calls from the point of view of BVR.

Table 5. callstatus.out
Value Description
Age Age of the call in minutes and seconds
Call Index BVR call index
TTS Call BVR call index of TTS call (will either match Call Index or N/A if no TTS call present)
Reco Call BVR call index of recognition call (will either match Call Index or N/A if no recognition call present)


This file contains information on the current active voice applications.

Table 6. voiceappstatus.out
Value Description
Age Age of the call in minutes and seconds
Call Index BVR call index
Session Thread name of voice browser
Status Internal status of the voice browser for Blueworx support
Document Initial VoiceXML or CCXML document