Monitoring BRM

The VM can be monitored using the brm -m command. The information displayed in this window is refreshed every second

Table 1. Data that can be monitored
Name Description
Uptime How long BRM has been running in days, hours, minutes and seconds
Expiry Date Expiry Date of current license. License will expire at midnight on this date
Max Calls Maximum number of calls allowed by license
License Expired Current expiry state of license, set to yes if license has expired
Connected BVR systems The number of BVR systems currently connected to this BRM instance
Active Calls The total number of calls currently running across all BVR systems connected to this BRM instance
Cumulative Calls The total number of calls handled across all BVR systems connected to this BRM instance since BRM was started
Used Memory Java heap memory used in MB - once the system is running a while this should reach a peak and be less than Max Memory
Max Memory Maximum Java heap memory available in MB
Percent Memory Used Used Memory as a percentage of Max Memory
Thread Count Total number of threads running on this BRM instance
Warnings Number of warning messages triggered since BRM was started
Errors Number of error messages triggered since BRM was started