CTI Configuration Options

Configure this section if using Genesys CTI server

This section is OPTIONAL; MANDATORY parameters only need to be specified if this section exists

The header for this section is [gcti]

Table 1. gcti
Name Mandatory Type Default Description
server_name yes string N/A The address of the server, as ISERVER:port@hostname - e.g. ISERVER:7600@blackbird
client_name yes string N/A The identifier for BVR within Genesys e.g. bvr123
call_id_range yes string N/A The numbers to register with the Genesys server on startup, before any calls have come in e.g. 28301-28304
aai no string   A string of key=value pairs separated by a consistent separator character. e.g. Name=J Doe:Bank=National
aai_separator no string : The character separating the key-value pairs in the aai string. Note - this character can be overridden on object invocations of Genesys calls.
type no string CalledNumber Either "CalledNumber" or "Address". Presents the called number or value based on code for trunk and channel at start of called number to Genesys