Trace Configuration Options

Trace Configuration Options

Specifies tracing parameters.

This section is OPTIONAL

The header for this section is [trace]

Table 1. trace
Name Mandatory Type Default Description
trace_level no string TRACE This parameter was introduced in version 7.11.0

If a level is specified, any levels above that level will also be traced. For example, if the level is set to TRACE, all ERROR, WARNING, INFO, LOG and TRACE statements will appear in the log. Trace levels are listed below in order of intensity (least instense to most intense).

file_append no boolean true This parameter was introduced in version 7.11.0

Whether to append onto any existing trace files. If set to true trace is appended to existing trace files
file_limit no integer 100 This parameter was introduced in version 7.11.0

Maximum size of each trace file (in MB)

Min: 10, Max: 2047
file_count no integer 5 This parameter was introduced in version 7.11.0

Number of trace files to use

Min: 1
error_log_mode no string FILE This parameter was introduced in version 7.13.0

Where to send error messages in addition to them being sent to the trace. Messages are sent to error_0.out if FILE or BOTH is set, or to a Kafka broker if KAFKA or BOTH is set.

Valid options are: OFF, FILE, KAFKA, BOTH, CLOUD
trace_log_mode no string FILE This parameter was introduced in version 7.13.0

Where to send logging and trace to help debug issues with BVR other than application logging. Trace is appended to files in the log directory if FILE or BOTH is set, and messages will be sent to a kafka broker if KAFKA or BOTH is set.

Valid options are: OFF, FILE, KAFKA, BOTH, CLOUD