BSM SIP Listening Point Configuration Options

Specifies the port listened on for a given transport protocol. This section can appear multiple times in the configuration, but each protocol can only appear once. Note that TCP and UDP can use the same port. If no SIP listening points are specified, SIP will listen on TCP and UDP port 5070.

This section is OPTIONAL; MANDATORY parameters only need to be specified if this section exists

The header for this section is [[sip.listening_point]]

Table 1. sip.listening_point
Name Mandatory Type Default Description
port yes integer N/A The port to bind to. This must not conflict with any of the ports being used by BVR (if BVR is running on the same system as BSM). By default, BSM listens on port 5070 for UDP and TCP.

Min: 1, Max: 65535
protocol yes string array N/A The transport protocol to use

Valid options are: TCP, UDP, TLS

Note: This variable is an array of strings. Each item should be individually quoted and comma separated, with the entire variable surrounded by [] brackets. e.g. ["a", "b", "c"]