Possible problems

Potential causes of errors when you import a certificate are described, with solutions.

Any errors that arise when you import the certificate are likely to occur for one or more of the following reasons:

You can view the certificates and certificate requests in the database by running the following commands:

wvrcert -cert -list -db $SYS_DIR/voip/keyring.db -stashed
wvrcert -certreq -list -db $SYS_DIR/voip/keyring.db -stashed

You can then delete certificates and certificate requests in the database by running the following command (changing the value of label where appropriate):

wvrcert -cert -delete -label wvr_server_certificate -db $SYS_DIR/voip/keyring.db -stashed
wvrcert -certreq -delete -label wvr_server_certificate -db $SYS_DIR/voip/keyring.db -stashed