Certificate commands

Commands for listing, deleting, viewing, renaming, and extracting certificates are described.

To list the current certificates in the database, run the following command:

wvrcert -cert -list -db $SYS_DIR/voip/keyring.db -stashed

To delete a certificate:

wvrcert -cert -delete -label label -db $SYS_DIR/voip/keyring.db -stashed

where label is the certificate that you want to delete.

To view the detailed information for a specific certificate:

wvrcert -cert -details -db filename -pw password -label label

To rename a certificate’s label:

wvrcert -cert -rename -label label1 -new_label label2 -db $SYS_DIR/voip/keyring.db -stashed

To extract the public part of a certificate from a file:

wvrcert -cert -extract -db $SYS_DIR/voip/keyring.db -pw password -label label 
        -target filename -format format

where format is either ascii or binary.