

Use UpdateDistributionList to edit a distribution list.

A screen capture of the Action UpdateDistributionList window


The recipients on a list can be an individual mailbox or the name of another distribution list. UpdateDistributionList can also delete a list or create a new one.


Most of the parameters for UpdateDistributionList identify how you want the list changed. The list that is changed is the list that is identified by the combination of the current values in the Caller system variables and the values of the List ID and List Type parameters defined for UpdateDistributionList.

If the action adds a recipient to a list (Add Recipient), the parameters are:

If the action deletes a recipient from a list (Delete Recipient), the parameters are:

If the action deletes a distribution list (Delete Distribution List), the parameters are:

If the action copies a distribution list (Copy Distribution List), the parameters are:

Possible results

UpdateDistributionList can have one of the following results:

The list has been changed or deleted.
Invalid List ID
The value of the variable identified as the List ID parameter does not identify a distribution list. If the action copies a distribution list, this result indicates that the source or the destination List ID is invalid.
Invalid Profile ID
The value of the variable identified as the Profile ID parameter does not identify an application profile. If the action copies a distribution list, this result indicates that the source or the destination Profile ID is invalid.
Invalid Mailbox ID
The value of the variable identified as the Mailbox ID parameter does not identify a valid mailbox. If the action copies a distribution list, this result indicates that the source or the destination Mailbox ID is invalid.
Access Denied
The state table could not access the mailbox. For example, a caller may have requested access to a mailbox to which the caller does not have access privileges. Alternatively, the mailbox may not exist or may not be active.
The list was not changed. This could be for a number of reasons, including:
  • The number of entries in the source distribution list, added to the number of entries in the target distribution list, is greater than 90.
  • The recipient to be added was specified using invalid data.

ASCII syntax

When using an ASCII editor, code this action with these parameters in the following order:

  2. List ID
  3. List type
  4. Recipient type
  5. Recipient profile ID
  6. Recipient Mailbox ID


  2. List ID
  3. Recipient type
  4. Recipient profile ID
  5. Recipient Mailbox ID


  2. Distribution list ID
  3. Profile ID
  4. Mailbox ID


  2. Source Distribution list ID
  3. Source Profile ID
  4. Source Mailbox ID
  5. Copy ID
  6. Destination Distribution list ID
  7. Destination List Type
  8. Destination Profile ID
  9. Destination Mailbox ID

For example:

label: "Check Edges"
   UpdateDistributionList("ADD_RECIPIENT", in1_n, in2_n, loc3_s, loc4_s, in3_s)
   edge EDGE_UDL_COMPLETED:                completed
   edge EDGE_UDL_INVALID_LIST_ID:        invalid_list_id
   edge EDGE_UDL_INVALID_USER_ID:        invalid_user_id
   edge EDGE_UDL_INVALID_BOX_ID:         invalid_box_id
   edge EDGE_UDL_ACCESS_NOT_ALLOWED: access_not_allowed
   edge EDGE_UDL_FAILED:                   failed
in1_n, in2_n, loc3_s, loc4_s);
        UpdateDistributionList("DELETE_DIST_LIST", in1_n, in2_n, loc3_s);
in1_n, in2_n, loc3_s, loc4_s, in3_s, in4_s, loc1_n, loc2_n);

The parameters and edges are described above under "Parameters" and "Possible results". For more information, see Testing a state table using the debugger.