Message variables

The Message variables contain information retrieved after CheckVoiceMessages is called to check either incoming or outgoing mailbox messages.

Note: For a numeric list of System Variables, see Table 1.
Message : Age since sent (SV27)
This variable contains the age of the message, expressed in number of days.
Message : Age since listened to (SV549)
This variable contains the period of time since the message was listened to, expressed in number of days. It is set to 0 before the message is listened to, and is updated for each complete day (24–hour period) after the message is listened to.
Message : Create time of message in mailbox (msg_create_time) (SV222)
This variable contains the creation time of a message retrieved from a mailbox. It is the same information as contained in the msg_create_time field in the VOICE_MSG_DATA_ID_ST structure. This structure is described in Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Custom Servers information.
Message : Create time of message in mailbox (msg_create_time) date, time, and day of week in YYYYMMDDhhmmssW (SV569)
This variable contains the creation time of a message retrieved from a mailbox. The format is YYYYMMDDhhmmssW, where Y is the year, M is the month, D is day of the month, h is the hour, m is the minute, s is seconds, and W is the day of week. The range of days for W is Sunday through Saturday; Sunday is assigned a value of 1, and Saturday a value of 7.
Message : Create time of message in workspace (msg_create_time) (SV230)
This variable contains the creation time of a message retrieved from the workspace. It is the same information as contained in the msg_create_time field in the VOICE_MSG_DATA_ID_ST structure. This structure is described in Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Custom Servers information.
Message : Create time of message in workspace (msg_create_time) date, time, and day of week in YYYYMMDDhhmmssW (SV570)
This variable contains the creation time of a message retrieved from the workspace. The format is YYYYMMDDhhmmssW, where Y is the year, M is the month, D is day of the month, h is the hour, m is the minute, s is seconds, and W is the day of week. The range of days for W is Sunday through Saturday; Sunday is assigned a value of 1, and Saturday a value of 7.
Message : Days before deletion (according to SV573/SV574) (SV575)
This variable contains the number of days before the retrieved message is automatically deleted.
Message : Expiry date, time and days of week in YYYYMMDDhhmmssW (SV574)
This variable contains the expiry time of a message retrieved from the workspace. The format is YYYYMMDDhhmmssW, where Y is the year, M is the month, D is the day of the month, h is the hour, m is the minute, s is seconds, and W is the day of the week. The range of days for W is Sunday through Saturday; Sunday is assigned a value of 1, and Saturday a value of 7.
Message : Expiry time as time_t (SV573)
This variable contains the expiry time of a message retrieved from a mailbox, as a time_t value.
Message : Key of message in mailbox (msg_key) (SV221)
This variable contains the key of a message retrieved from a mailbox. It is the same information as contained in the msg_key field in the VOICE_MSG_DATA_ID_ST structure. This structure is described in Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Custom Servers information.
Message : Key of message in workspace (msg_key) (SV229)
This variable contains the key of a message retrieved from the workspace. It is the same information as contained in the msg_key field in the VOICE_MSG_DATA_ID_ST structure. This structure is described in the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Custom Servers information.
Message : Length of message in mailbox (in ms) (SV215)
This variable contains the length a message retrieved from a mailbox. The starting position is specified in the Message : Play offset variable.
Message : Length of working message (in ms) (SV216)
This variable contains the length of a stored message. The length of a newly-recorded message is equal to the value of the System : Play/Record voice time (in ms) variable. This is increased when the message is annotated, by the amount recorded for the annotation.
Message : Listened date, time, and day of week in YYYYMMDDhhmmssW (SV548)
This variable contains valid data only after a CheckVoiceMessages state table action. It contains the date and time when a voice message was listened to. The format is YYYYMMDDhhmmssW, where Y is the year, M is the month, D is day of the month, h is the hour, m is the minute, s is seconds, and W is the day of week. The range of days for W is Sunday through Saturday; Sunday is assigned a value of 1, and Saturday a value of 7. If the message is not listened to, SV548 is assigned a value corresponding to the 1st of January 1970.
Note: The value of this system variable can be affected by the value of SV545 (System : Subscriber Timezone).
Message : Message number (RW) (SV21)
This variable contains the position of the current message in the list retrieved by CheckVoiceMessages from the active mailbox. CheckVoiceMessages sets the first current message number to 1. On each subsequent message call, the current message number is incremented by one.

The message number is also used to identify which message to play. Prompts can be written to prompt the caller to press a key that identifies the message to play first. To play the selected message, assign the key value to SV21, as described in CheckVoiceMessages, then use PlayVoiceMessage to play the specified message.

Message :  Open time as time_t (corresponds to SV548/SV549) (SV572)
This variable contains the first listening time of a message retrieved from a mailbox, as a time_t value.
Message : Play offset (in ms) (RW) (SV214)
This variable contains the position from which a message is retrieved from a mailbox. If the value is positive, the offset is from the beginning of the message. If the value is negative, the offset is from the end of the message. If the offset is larger than the length of the message, the whole message is retrieved from the beginning. The accuracy is to the nearest 20 ms block. The length of message retrieved is stored in the Message : Length of message in mailbox variable.
Message : Priority (SV49)
This variable indicates the priority of the message. Messages are sorted first for priority and then for order (indicated by the Caller : Mailbox : Message retrieval order system variable (SV104)). Emergency messages are of higher priority than Urgent messages, and Urgent messages are of higher priority than Normal messages.

Possible priority values are:

Message : Privacy (SV48)
This variable contains a privacy indication for the message. An application can use this variable to enforce privacy; Blueworx Voice Response does not enforce privacy. Possible privacy values are:
Not private
Message : Receipt acknowledgment status (SV161)
This variable identifies the status of a receipt acknowledgment request for a message. It is set when a CheckVoiceMessages state table action is executed. It contains one of the following values:
Acknowledgment of receipt not requested. This status value is associated with the sent message in the sender's outgoing messages and the recipient's incoming messages.
Acknowledgment of receipt requested (using the ChangeMessageAttributes state table action). This status value is associated with the sent message in the sender's outgoing messages and the recipient's incoming messages.
Message with acknowledgment of receipt received (the recipient listened to the message). This status value is associated with the returned message in the sender's incoming messages.
Message with acknowledgment of receipt rejected (the recipient deleted the message without listening to it). This status value is associated with the returned message in the sender's incoming messages.
Message : Recipient mailbox ID (SV151)
This variable identifies the recipient's mailbox for a voice message.
Message : Recipient profile ID (SV150)
This variable contains the application profile ID of the recipient of a recorded voice message.
Message : Sender mailbox ID (SV127)
This variable identifies the sender's mailbox, if available. The value is set by Blueworx Voice Response each time a message is retrieved.
Message : Sender profile ID (SV24)
This variable identifies the application profile of the message sender after a CheckVoiceMessages state table action. When reviewing mailbox entries, this variable is available and can be played as an audio name to identify who sent the message.
Message : : Sent time as time_t (corresponds to SV26/SV27) (SV571)
This variable contains the delivery time of a message retrieved from a mailbox, as a time_t value.
Message : Sent date, time, and day of week in YYYYMMDDhhmmssW (SV26)
This variable contains valid data only after a CheckVoiceMessages state table action. It contains the date and time a voice message was received. The format is YYYYMMDDhhmmssW, where Y is the year, M is the month, D is day of the month, h is the hour, m is the minute, s is seconds, and W is the day of week. The range of days is Sunday through Saturday; Sunday is assigned a value of 1, and Saturday a value of 7.
Note: The value of this system variable can be affected by the value of SV545 (System : Subscriber Timezone).
Message : Status (SV47)
This variable contains the status of the message.

The status of an incoming message can be one of the following:

n (New)
The message was sent to the recipient's mailbox (using SendVoiceMessage) but has not yet been checked or listened to.
c (Checked)
The message has been checked out of the mailbox (using CheckVoiceMessages).
l (Listened)
The message has been listened to (using PlayVoiceMessage).
s (Saved)
The message has been saved in the recipient's mailbox (using SaveVoiceMessage).
u (Undeliverable)
The message was sent to a mailbox that does not exist. Undeliverable messages are returned to the sender's mailbox. The value of the Message : Sender system variable is set to System, and the sender's profile ID is stored in the Message : Recipient system variable. The original value of the recipient's profile ID is stored in the Message : Transaction ID system variable (SV126).

The status of an outgoing message can be one of the following:

n (New)
The message was sent (using SendVoiceMessage) but has not yet been checked or listened to by the recipient. When the recipient checks the message, the message is removed from the sender's outgoing messages.
f (Future)
The message was sent marked for delivery at a later date and time. When the message is sent to the intended recipient, the status changes to New.
The status of a message that is retrieved from a mailbox, then deleted, is:
d (Deleted)
The message was deleted from the list of retrieved messages. The relative numbering of other messages in the list is preserved. The values in all other Message system variables are blank. This status will not be seen in a newly retrieved list (that is, deleted messages are not retrieved by CheckVoiceMessages).
Message : Transaction ID (RW) (SV126)
This variable contains an optional identifier for the message. It is an empty string when a message is created, but can be set using the ChangeMessageAttributes state table action. When a message has a transaction ID, it can be selected from a list of messages retrieved from a mailbox by assigning the transaction ID to this system variable.