Caller : Mailbox variables

Note: For a numeric list of System Variables, see Table 1.

The Caller : Mailbox variables refer to the mailbox information in the current application profile. The values are retrieved by updating the Caller : Mailbox - ID variable.

Caller : Mailbox - ID (RW) (SV32)
This variable contains mailbox information for the current application profile. Each application profile can have up to 10 mailboxes with IDs and passwords. Each mailbox has a unique mailbox ID.
To access a mailbox ID, use one of the following state table actions:
  • GetKey
  • GetData
  • ReceiveData
  • AssignData

If the Mailbox ID is invalid, the state table action returns an error, and the Mailbox ID is reset to -1. The Mailbox ID is invalid if it is out of range or refers to an inactive Mailbox.

You must set Caller - Profile ID before setting the Mailbox ID. When you successfully set the Mailbox ID, all of the Caller : Mailbox variables are set.

Caller : Mailbox : Access mode (SV106)
This variable identifies the type of mailbox access. The possible values are:
Global Read Write access to all mailboxes in the application profile
Read access to all mailboxes in the application profile and Write access to the current mailbox only
Read Write access to the current mailbox only
Caller : Mailbox : Announce only (SV103)
This variable indicates whether or not the mailbox takes messages. The possible values are:
Announce and take messages
Announce and do not take messages
Caller : Mailbox : Greeting ID (SV109)
This variable identifies the greeting to play when the mailbox is accessed. Valid values are 1 through 255; a value of 0 implies there is no greeting defined.
Caller : Mailbox : Message retrieval order (SV104)
This variable indicates the order in which the CheckVoiceMessages state table action is to retrieve messages from the mailbox. An application can retrieve messages in the order that they arrived, or it can retrieve the most recent messages first. The possible values are:
First in first out (the order in which the messages arrived)
Last in first out (the most recently received message first)
Caller : Mailbox : Messages, number of incoming (SV30)
This variable contains the number of all incoming messages in the mailbox (New, Checked, Listened, Saved, and Undeliverable messages). When this variable is accessed, the status of all New messages included in the count is changed to Checked.
Caller : Mailbox : Messages, number of new (SV28)
This variable contains the number of all incoming messages in the mailbox that have not been saved yet (New, Checked, Listened, and Undeliverable messages). When this variable is accessed, the status of all New messages included in the count is changed to Checked.
Caller : Mailbox : Messages, number of outgoing (SV31)
This variable contains the number of outgoing messages in the mailbox (New and Future messages). In other words, the number of messages that have been sent from the mailbox but have not been retrieved from the destination mailbox.
Caller : Mailbox : Messages, number of saved (SV29)
This variable contains the number of incoming messages in the mailbox that have been saved. The message status is Saved.
Caller : Mailbox : Number of distribution lists (SV144)
This variable contains the number of distribution lists in the mailbox.
Caller : Mailbox : Owner status (SV102)
This variable contains a status value for the owner of a mailbox. A voice application can check this value to determine which greeting to play. Possible values are:
Caller : Mailbox : Prompt level (SV105)
This variable determines the level of instruction the caller receives when accessing the mailbox. The possible values are:
Caller : Mailbox : Referral extension (SV110)
This variable contains a telephone number that an application can use to page the owner of the mailbox. For example, if an emergency message is left in the mailbox, the application uses the extension number to page the owner.
Caller : Mailbox : Referral extension type (SV111)
This variable indicates whether the referral number is a telephone or a beeper. Possible values are:
Caller : Mailbox : Status (SV101)
This variable indicates whether or not the mailbox is active. The application can choose to use the mailbox even if it is not active. The possible values are:
Not active