Message filtering

Red and yellow messages document situations in which time is of the essence. By posting these messages to the System Monitor, Blueworx Voice Response uses the alarm graphic to alert you to such situations.

Some messages document situations that if attended to immediately, represent relatively minor problems, but if ignored, can create a major disaster. For example, the system generates a yellow message to alert you to a shortage of disk space. If you free disk space immediately, there is usually no impact on the system. But if you do not free disk space, the system may run out of space and stop operating.

To help ensure that you resolve situations requiring prompt attention before it is too late, Blueworx Voice Response filters all error messages. When the filtering process determines that the rate at which the message is being generated exceeds the predetermined threshold for that message, the system increases the severity level of the message and may also route the message to additional destinations.

For example, error message 5010 documents a situation in which the system cannot retrieve information from the Blueworx Voice Response database. This message is classified as a yellow message. The system sends the message to the Blueworx Voice Response error log and also posts it to the System Monitor, which displays a yellow alarm. If the system generates the message 12 times in 60 seconds, the filtering process reclassifies the message as red. Blueworx Voice Response then sends the message to the AIX NetView log as well as to the Blueworx Voice Response error log and to the System Monitor, which displays a red alarm. The filtering process thereby encourages you to attend to a potentially dangerous situation before the situation is out of control.

The filtering process only affects certain predetermined messages. Both the messages that are affected by filtering and the predefined threshold for each message are listed in Messages affected by filtering.