DTreports command


Archive, list, print, or view standard reports.


DTreports { -a |-p [-P printer_name] [-N number_of_copies] | -s filename | -v } -n report_name { -b start_date -e end_date| -b { previous_day | previous_week | previous_month } } | DTreports -l


Archive the item specified by the -n flag.
-b start_date -e end_date
The period of data to be processed. Both start_date and end_date must be the format yyyy-mm-dd, for example, 1997-05-21.
-b { previous_day | previous_week| previous_month }
The period of data to be processed:
Data for the period from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 on the preceding day. For example, if the command is run on Monday, Sunday's data is processed.
Data for the preceding seven days. For example, if the command is run on Monday, data covering the period from 00:00:00 on Monday through 23:59:59 on Sunday evening is processed.
Data for the previous calendar month. For example, if the command is run on 28 April, data covering the period from 00:00:00 on 1 March through 23:59:59 on 31 March is processed.
List the standard reports available.
-n report_name
The name of the report to be processed. To process more than one report at a time, use wild card characters, including * to represent any number of characters, and ? to represent a single character. For example "Host*" includes HostApplErrors, HostApplUsage, HostLinkErrors, and HostLinkUsage. If using wild card characters, you must enclose the string in single or double quotation marks.
Print the reports specified by the -n flag.
-s filename
Save the reports specified by the -n flag in the file specified by the filename.
View the reports specified by the -n flag, on the screen.


Print all reports for the period from 22 June 1997 to 26 July 1997:

DTreports -p -n "*" -b 1997-06-22 -e 1997-07-26
Save yesterday's Traffic report in ready-to-print format, in a file called
DTreports -s $ARC_DIR/oamlog/traffic.0622 -n Traffic -b previous_day