Archived log files

When you archive a log file, it is moved from $CUR_DIR/oamlog/ to $ARC_DIR/oamlog/. It no longer exists in $CUR_DIR/oamlog/. A file extension of .arc is added to the file name (for example, the archived call detail record log is $ARC_DIR/oamlog/cdr.log.arc).

If you want to keep it, you can copy an archived log file to another directory, before overwriting it with the next one. Use the cp command to do this.

You can create a schedule for archiving the log files on a regular basis. This helps to control the amount of information accumulated, because when you archive the log file, the old archive file is overwritten. If log files grow too large between scheduled archive dates, you can archive them from the Statistics window.

Like the files that contain current information, the archived log files should be managed. Blueworx Voice Response can accumulate a lot of information over time. In addition, the number of files can proliferate: if voice applications log many private events, the system can include hundreds of archive log files. If preserving archived information is important, copy the archived log file before the scheduled archiving date or before you archive the current log online. Making backup copies of files describes how to make backup copies of files.