Secondary keywords

Yes or No. Optional. Default is Yes.
The IP name of this host. The IP name can be in any form that the name server can resolve. Mandatory.
The name of a node on this host to start when you start up the host. There must be a NodeName configuration entry for the node, and it must precede this entry in the file. You need one Node keyword for each node to be started. Mandatory.
The port number to use for an AIX system. This must match the CHPM Socket Port Number parameter in the Application Server Interface group of system parameters in the base Blueworx Voice Response for AIX system configuration. Optional. The default value is 26923.
The port number to use for the RMI registry. Optional. The default value is 26924. You must also change the rmi.port number in the dtj.ini file.
# A minimal HostName entry for a host with nodes called Node1 and Test
# A host that already used ports 26923 and 26924 for something Else
  # Remember to change the rmi.port number in the dtj.ini file!