Secondary keywords for voice response nodes only

With CCXML basichttp event I/O processor that uses HTTP to transport events between a CCXML implementation and external components, the CCXHTTPServer keyword switches external component event processing on (value of yes) or off (value of no). The default is no. For more information, refer to Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Using the CCXML Browser. Optional.
The port number that overrides the default listener port number (1971) for external component event processing. If you override the default port number, the port number used must be included in the URI. Optional.
The name of the default application, to be used to handle incoming calls for which there is no application currently in a waitForCall state, or for which there is no NumToApp entry. The application must also have an AppName configuration entry. Optional.
Note: Where possible, use a non-specific NumToApp entry such as "NumToApp=*,default" instead of a NodeDefAppName entry.

The default.cff configuration should include enough application instances based on the expected call volume and the NumToApp mapping. NodeDefAppName should only be used for failover applications. It should not be used to start additional application instances to handle general calls as this can cause the VRNode to run out of heap space.

The default locale, in the form ll_CC_variant, where ll is the ISO code for the language, and CC is the ISO code for the country or region; variation can be any string. Mandatory.
The name of the telephony service to be used by this node. There must be a TelephonyService configuration entry preceding this entry in the file. If a NodeTelephonyService is defined and the TelephonyService is available then the voice response node will use the TelephonyService for certain call control functions (such as transfer) and call information in preference to the functions and information provided by the voice response node itself. Optional.
Note: This was formerly known as NodeCallPathService.
The mapping of phone number to application. The format is phone number and either a CCXML service name or an application name, separated by a comma (for example "NumToApp=1234,ccx1" or "NumToApp=1234,menu").
NumToApp can contain wildcards at any position in the number:
Replaces exactly one digit. For example 200? would match 2001, 2003 but would not match 200 or 20001.
Replaces 0 to any number of digits. 20* would match 2001, 20, 20000000, 2099999999, for example.
Overlapping ranges are not allowed when using wildcard characters. For example, the following mapping would cause an error to be reported when the configuration is imported:
You can specify an exact number (without a wildcard) that is within the range covered by a number including a wildcard, for example:
The exact number takes priority when a call is routed. Consequently, in the above example, a call received on 2000 would be routed to app2.
There must be one and only one NumToApp keyword for each phone number for which the voice response node is to answer calls. If a call arrives for a number for which there is no NumToApp keyword, the default application is invoked to handle the call. The application name must match either the CCXService name for a CCXML browser or the application name in the ApplicationProperties of the application or the AppName configuration entry for the application. For more information, see Mapping CCXML browsers to a phone number and Mapping a VoiceXML or Java application to a phone number.
Defines the speech recognition technology to use, for applications using the services of this node. Specify a valid locale followed by the recotype to which it applies. The syntax is RecoDefinition=locale,recotype. The recotype is the key to the RecoService configuration entry (RecoType keyword). You can specify an asterisk (*) to mean “all languages”. You can specify multiple RecoDefinitions, with the restriction that each locale (or *) can be specified only once. These RecoDefinitions can be overridden by the RecoDefinitions in the AppName configuration entry or in the ApplicationProperties. Optional.
# ViaVoice is defined as the speech recognition technology to use for
# all languages, but this example shows how you would specify a
# different technology for one language
# ViaVoice is used for all other languages.
The name of a RecoService configuration entry as described on RecoService configuration entry. You need one of these to define each speech recognition technology available on the node. Optional.
The name of the TelURLLocale of this node. There must be a TelURLLocale configuration entry for the name preceding this entry in the file. Optional, but is required if the node is to be used for any processing that requires the evaluation of a Telephony URL. For example if the node is to be used to action a VoiceXML 2.1 <transfer> element.
Defines the text-to-speech technology to use for applications using the services of this node. Specify a valid locale followed by the ttstype to which it applies. The syntax is TTSDefinition=locale,ttstype. The ttstype is the key to the TTSService configuration entry (TTSType keyword). You can specify an asterisk (*) to mean “all languages”. You can specify multiple TTSDefinitions, with the restriction that each locale (or *) can be specified only once. These TTSDefinitions can be overridden by the TTSDefinitions in the AppName configuration entry or in the ApplicationProperties. Optional.
# FirstByte is defined as the text-to-speech technology to use for all
# languages, but this example shows how you would specify a different
# technology for two languages. FirstByte is used for all other
# languages.
The name of a TTSService configuration entry, as described on TTSService configuration entry. You need one of these to define each text-to-speech technology available on the node. Optional.