Code for Example 7 CardChecker class

package tut;
 * Subcomponent that allows the caller to enter their credit card
 * details and validates them
class CardChecker {
	//Define the category for all the voice segments in this class
	private static final String CATEGORY = "Tutorials";
	// Create the Voice Segment objects
	private static final VoiceSegment VS_INVALID_CARD = new VoiceSegment(CATEGORY, "InvalidCard");
	private static final VoiceSegment VS_CARD_NUMBER  = new VoiceSegment(CATEGORY, "CardNumber");
	private static final VoiceSegment VS_EXPIRY_DATE  = new VoiceSegment(CATEGORY, "ExpiryDate");
	private static final VoiceSegment VS_DATE_FORMAT  = new VoiceSegment(CATEGORY, "DateFormat");
	// Create an array to store two of the voice segments so they can be played in sequence
	private static final MediaType[] VS_EXPIRY = { VS_EXPIRY_DATE, VS_DATE_FORMAT };
	// Create attribute objects for getting the cardnumber from the caller
	private PlayAttributes cardNumPlayAtts   = new PlayAttributes();
	private InputAttributes cardNumInputAtts = new InputAttributes();
	private DTMFAttributes cardNumDTMFAtts   = new DTMFAttributes();
	private RecoAttributes cardNumRecoAtts   = null;
	// Create attribute objects for getting the expiry date from the caller
	private PlayAttributes expiryPlayAtts   = new PlayAttributes();
	private InputAttributes expiryInputAtts = new InputAttributes();
	private DTMFAttributes expiryDTMFAtts   = new DTMFAttributes();
	private RecoAttributes expiryRecoAtts   = null;
	// Create a constructor method to set up various attributes
	public CardChecker() {
		// Set the attributes for getting the credit card number
		// Set the attributes for getting the expiry date
	} //CardChecker()
	// Validate the caller's credit card details
	public boolean takeCardDetails(Call call) throws WVRException {
		String  cardNumber    = null;
		String  expiryDate    = null;
		int     year          = 0;
		int     firstNumber   = 0;
		int     numberOfTries = 0;
		while(numberOfTries < 3) {
			// Get the card number
			InputResult result = call.playAndGetInput(cardNumPlayAtts, cardNumInputAtts,
                                                     cardNumDTMFAtts, cardNumRecoAtts);
			cardNumber = result.getValue();
			// Get the expiry date
			result = call.playAndGetInput(expiryPlayAtts, expiryInputAtts, expiryDTMFAtts, expiryRecoAtts);
			expiryDate = result.getValue();
			// Extract the year and the first digit of the card number
			year        = Integer.parseInt(expiryDate.substring(2, 4));
			firstNumber = Integer.parseInt(cardNumber.substring(0, 1));
			// Validate the card number
			if (year >= 3 && year <= 5 && year == firstNumber) {
				return true; // Returns that the card number was valid
			} else {;
			} //if			
		return false; // Returns that the card number was not valid