Migrating from a stand-alone system to a single system image

If you want to migrate an existing Blueworx Voice Response system to a single system image, note that you can restore the data from only one Blueworx Voice Response system to a single system image. This is because most of the database is shared, so it would get overwritten if you attempted to restore on more than one node of the single system image.

If you have multiple stand-alone systems that you want to configure as a single system image, you must plan your migration very carefully. First you must export all the data to one stand-alone system, then use the saveDT command on that system to store a copy of the data. Then use the restoreDT command to restore the data to the system you have configured as the SSI server node.

For more information on migrating to a single system image, refer to the Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Installation information.