Testing the voice response service

Test phases

Testing should be performed in distinct phases, in which you are checking for different kinds of problem:

  1. Logical or unit test, to test the basic logical flow
  2. Functional test, to test the interaction with the caller
  3. Performance or stress test (more than one call at a time, and so on)
  4. Critical test (removing the most critical parts of the application, to find out what callers would hear)

Hints and tips

To use the Debug option in the State Table window, you need to include an AnswerCall state in the state table. When using the debugger, this is converted into a MakeCall. Using the debugger, you can step through the actions, modifying the values of variables to test different paths through the state table.

It’s useful if a voice application can output its own trace data, using the LogEvent action or a custom server. You should design this so that tracing can be switched on or off when the application is in production.