A CHANNEL_INFO_ST structure filled in as returned from a previous call to CA_Open_Record_Channel(), CA_Open_Channel() or CA_Open_Music_Channel().
Set on return to indicated the events that have occurred. See the AIX Poll subroutine for more details.
This parameter is checked only when the custom server issues a CA_Set_CA_Version() subroutine with version greater than CA_VERSION_UNSPECIFIED. The default value, POLL_MODE_NOT_DEFINED, tells CA_Poll() to initially check if the channel is in WRITE mode. If it is, then poll on the write file descriptor. If the channel was not in WRITE mode then poll on the read file descriptor. A custom server can specify which file descriptor to poll for, when operating in full duplex mode, by using POLL_MODE_READ, POLL_MODE_WRITE, POLL_MODE_PRIORITY or POLL_MODE_WRITE_AND_PRIORITY. If the channel is in WRITE mode, then a custom server can specify POLL_MODE_PRIORITY or POLL_MODE_WRITE_AND_PRIORITY