CCXML document errors

If a runtime error occurs within a document, such as trying to use or evaluate an undeclared variable or attribute, an error.semantic event is generated. This error can be caught by using an appropriate transition.

The following is an example of a transition that is designed to handle an error:
<transition event="error.semantic" name="evt">
	<log label="'error.semantic'" />
	<log expr="'a '' error condition has occurred on ['+evt.tagname+'] tag '" />
	<log expr="'  gives error=['+evt.reason+']'" />

In this example, the reason field of the error.semantic event allows the developer to better diagnose such problems.

In the log file, /var/dirTalk/DTBE/dtj_logs/log.1.log, the example transition would issue the following output indicating that an error occurred when a <log> element tried to reference the variable count:
2003.12.17 14:31:54.637 host1-Node1-call-2   error.semantic
2003.12.17 14:31:54.637 host1-Node1-call-2   a error.semantic error condition
	has occurred on [log] tag
2003.12.17 14:31:54.637 host1-Node1-call-2   gives error=["count" is not defined]