Test phase

After you have incorporated the results of the “Wizard of Oz” testing, you will want to code and test a working prototype of the application. During this phase, be sure to analyze the behavior of both new and, if applicable, expert users.

Identifying recognition problems

As you proceed with the Test phase, note any consistent recognition problems.

The most common cause of recognition problems is acoustic confusability among the currently active phrases. For example, both Madison and Addison are US airports. Thus, these potential user inputs to a travel application are highly confusable:

User: Flying from Madison
User: Flying from Addison

Sometimes there is nothing you can do when this happens. Other times you can try to correct the problem by:

System: Flying from?
User: Los Angeles <not flagged as confusable>
System: Flying to?
User: Newark <flagged as confusable with New York>
System: Newark, New Jersey or New York, New York?
User: Newark, New Jersey

Identifying any user interface breakdowns

The Test phase is also where you will identify potential user interface breakdowns. Some factors you may want to analyze include:

The first round of user testing typically reveals places where the system's response needs to be rephrased to improve usability. For this reason, system prompts and other messages should be left flexible for as long as possible, at least until after the first round of user testing.