
Sends an MWI request to CallPath.

Use this custom server function to send an MWI setup request to CallPath (STLPIND call using indicator_code = STL_MESSAGE_WAITING).

Input parameters

char number[32]
The phone number for the MWI request. Support of this parameter is switch dependent. You must ensure that the parameters supplied are compatible with the switch being used.
long mode
Start or stop the MWI indicator (start is 0, stop is 1). Support of this parameter is switch dependent. You must ensure that the parameters supplied are compatible with the switch being used.
long duration
Length of time MWI is to be active (0 to 86400 seconds). Support of this parameter is switch dependent. You must ensure that the parameters supplied are compatible with the switch being used.
long LED_frequency
Frequency of MWI indicator in switch specific steps (0 to 999). Support of this parameter is switch dependent. You must ensure that the parameters supplied are compatible with the switch being used.
long timeout
Length of time to wait for a response from CallPath in seconds before returning a timeout return_code.

For example, for AT&T, you might code the following:


Output parameters

long return_code
Success or failure of the call:
OK. MWI request succeeded, or, a zero timeout was specified.
MWI request failed. CallPath rejected the request.
Timeout waiting for CallPath response.