

Sets the program data to be associated with a transfer operation.

Use this custom server function to set the “Program Data” to be sent with subsequent STLXTND and STLIMMT CallPath function calls. Use the TransferCall state table action to generate the CallPath function calls.

Input parameters

char program_data[512]
The program data string. The switch may not allow a string of this length to be sent. It is your responsibility to ensure that the string does not exceed any length imposed by the switch. The data must be printable ASCII characters, that is, embedded control characters are not allowed in the string. This is a Blueworx Voice Response restriction.

Output parameters

long return_code
Success or failure of the call:
No call is currently associated with this channel. The channel is not in a CONNECTED state. Data has been sent anyway.
Data too long. Program data has been set to NULL string.