SL_PROC_TYPE (signaling process type)

Each signaling process is identified by one of the values defined in the SL_PROC_TYPE enumeration. This identifier is used to send requests to the signaling process. There can only be one signaling process per signaling process type.

Note: If the signaling process is not installed or configured on your system, an error is returned by the sl_send_request() subroutine.

The valid values are:

The standard signaling process supplied with Blueworx Voice Response for an ACL exchange data link.
Reserved for use by Blueworx Voice Response.
The standard signaling process supplied with Blueworx Voice Response that supports exchange data link functionality by using CallPath Server.
The standard signaling process, supplied as a Blueworx Voice Response feature, to support ISDN on the AT&T 5ESS switch at generic level 5E8.
The standard signaling process, supplied as a Blueworx Voice Response feature, to support ISDN on the AT&T 5ESS switch at generic level 5E9.
The standard signaling process, supplied as a Blueworx Voice Response feature, to support ISDN on switches that conform to AT&T’s Technical Reference 41449, for example, the Definity G3i PABX.
The standard signaling process, supplied as a Blueworx Voice Response feature, to support ISDN on the Nortel DMS-100 switch at generic level NA007/8.
The standard signaling process, supplied as a Blueworx Voice Response feature, to support ISDN on the Nortel DMS-100 switch at generic level BCS 34.
The standard signaling process, supplied as a Blueworx Voice Response feature, to support ISDN on the Nortel DMS-250 switch at generic level IEC05.
The standard signaling process, supplied as a Blueworx Voice Response feature, to support EuroISDN.
The standard signaling process, supplied as a Blueworx Voice Response feature, to support ISDN on the AT&T 5ESS switch at generic level 5E12.
The standard signaling process, supplied as a Blueworx Voice Response feature, to support ISDN on INS Net Service 1500 in Japan.
Blueworx Voice Response custom server for ISDN two B-channel and ISDN RLT call transfer. Note, for use with Nortel DMS-100 and DMS250 only.
No signaling process is defined.
Reserved for use by Blueworx Voice Response.
The standard signaling process supplied with Blueworx Voice Response that supports the SMSI, SMDI and VMS exchange data link protocols.
Reserved for use by Blueworx Voice Response.
These identifiers are available for signaling processes written by you.
Note: When you have written a signaling process that you want to be used on other systems with the guarantee that it does not conflict with any other signaling process type, you should contact your IBM representative, who can arrange for an identifier to be allocated to you and added to this enumeration.

There are a number of additional values in the enumeration which are reserved for future use. Finally SL_NUM_PROC_TYPES specifies the number of signaling process types in the enumeration.