Signaling interface subroutines

This section contains information about the signaling interface subroutines you can use for a variety of tasks:

The tasks for which you can use signaling interface subroutines are as follows:

Open the signaling interface:
sl_open subroutine
Create a queue to receive signaling interface primitives:
sl_register subroutine
Send a request primitive to a signaling process:
sl_send_request subroutine
Receive a request primitive from the signaling interface:
sl_receive_request subroutine
Return a confirm primitive to the channel process:
sl_send_confirm subroutine
Receive the confirm primitive for a specified request from a signaling process:
sl_receive_confirm subroutine
Send an indication primitive to notify Blueworx Voice Response of an asynchronous event:
sl_send_indication subroutine
Send a request to a signaling process to abort a previous signaling interface request:
sl_abort_request subroutine
Manage tag strings for use in building or manipulating tag strings:
Query the signaling process for a specified channel and pack:
sl_query_sigproc subroutine
Query the configuration for a specified type of signaling process:
sl_query_config subroutine
Query the trunk id for a specified pack:
sl_query_trunk_id subroutine
Query the channel group to which a specified channel and pack belongs:
sl_query_channel_group subroutine
Decode signaling interface data types for generating text messages:
Issue an implementation dependent subroutine call:
sl_escape subroutine
Close the signaling interface:
sl_close subroutine