Message categories

Every Blueworx Voice Response message is assigned to one of four categories. Each category is identified by a color. When a message is posted to the System Monitor, the message generates an alarm. The alarm graphic on the System Monitor reflects the urgency of the messages that have generated alarms. (For more information about the color of the alarm graphic, see Blueworx Voice Response for AIX: Configuring the System)

The four message categories are:

A red message documents a condition that requires immediate attention. For example, a message documenting the failure of an adapter is a red message.

The condition generating a red message must be resolved immediately. Otherwise, Blueworx Voice Response cannot continue to operate reliably. All red messages are posted to the System Monitor. Red messages are also written to the AIX NetView log.

A yellow message documents a problem situation. The situation requires recovery, either by the Blueworx Voice Response recovery function or by your intervention. For example, a message documenting that a task received an unrecognizable response to an internal request is a yellow message. A message indicating that the system is about to run out of disk space or memory is also a yellow message.

While a condition generating a yellow message may not cause the system to fail, operations will be less effective until the condition is alleviated. All yellow messages are posted to the System Monitor.

A green message documents an event that clears an earlier error condition. For example, the system may have generated a yellow message because of a shortage of disk space. The message indicating that the condition has been alleviated and the yellow message has been cleared is a green message.

Green messages are posted to the System Monitor when they document an “error clear” condition or include instructions for you to do something.

A white message documents a nonerror event. Messages documenting routine system maintenance, for example, are white messages.

White messages are posted to the System Monitor when they include instructions for you to do something.

Messages affected by filtering lists the Blueworx Voice Response error messages by category.