Stage 6: SS7 Adapter checks

This stage investigates the presence of SS7 Adapters. Perform the following tests:

  1. Log onto the SS7 Server machine as dtuser
  2. Enter the SS7_MAINT command
  3. From the top level menu, enter F (Fault Finding)
  4. On the submenu, enter 1 (D7 Network Check)
An example of the output is shown in Stage 2: Which other machines are present?.
By comparing the data displayed on your screen with the symptoms listed below, go to the corresponding section listed in the Action column:
Symptom Action
The expected number of adapters are listed Go to Stage 7: SS7 Links.
A machine that has an SS7 adapter is not listed Go to Stage 1: Is the SS7 Server working?
A machine is listed but no adapter is shown Go to stage 6a

Stage 6a: Locate a missing adapter

Perform the following steps:
  1. On the machine that has a missing adapter, logon as dtuser
  2. Enter the SS7_MAINT command
  3. From the top level menu, enter F (Fault Finding)
  4. On the submenu, enter 3 (D7 Card Check)
If the adapter is located, the output is similar to that shown below :
Driver     Board Type  Slot  Instance  State
---------  ----------  ----  --------  ---------
pci3xapq   N/A         08    0         Available
If the adapter is not located, output similar to that shown below is displayed:
Driver     Board Type  Slot  Instance  State
---------  ----------  ----  --------  ---------
pci3xapq   N/A         08    0         Define
*** FAILED  : Status is Define
*** Card    : pci3xpq
*** Inst      : 0
If the expected SS7 adapter is missing from the output, or if the output indicates a failure case (showing Define in the State field), try the following:
  1. Check that the adapter is located in an active PCI slot.
  2. Verify that the adapter is functioning.
  3. Try a different slot on a different PCI bus, for example try a slot on the far left or far right.
If there have been a number of adapters being plugged in or removed in the past, the ODM might be confused. Trythe following:
  1. Remove all the adapters and restart the machine.
  2. Log in as root.
  3. Run cfgmgr
Repeat stage 6a; if cards are still being shown as missing, seek help in correcting the ODM database.