Stage 3: Is D7 working on a Blueworx Voice Response Client?

This test attempts to identify why the D7 package is not working on a machine that is configured for Blueworx Voice Response Client operation. Perform the following steps:

  1. Log onto the SS7 Server machine as dtuser
  2. Enter the SS7_MAINT command
  3. From the top level menu, enter F (Fault Finding)
  4. On the submenu, enter 2 (D7 Process Check)
A screen similar to the one below is displayed:
*** D7 Process checking ***
   PID  STAT  MODE  HOST             MUX         OBJECT
124806    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/0       daemon [name=apmd]
124234    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/2       daemon [name=mlogd]
 43552    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/3       daemon [name=spmd]
 36588    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/4       daemon [name=netd]
147110    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/5       daemon [name=alarmd]
147110    ok   L|A  b80e             spm/6       nmdobj [name=AlarmExt]
108324    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/7       daemon [name=dsmd]
153932    ok  LX|A  b80e             spm/8       daemon [name=dkmd]
 43802    ok   L|A  b80e             spm/10      nmdobj [name=ebs_ps]
*** SUCCESS : D7 system configured for WVR operation
Based on the message at the bottom of your screen, go to the corresponding section as defined in this table:
Message Action
SUCCESS : D7 system configured for SS7 Server . Go to stage 3a
SUCCESS : D7 system configured for WVR operation Go to stage 3b
FAILED : D7 system is not running Go to stage 3c
FAILED : MTP-3(upmd) is not running Go to stage 3a
FAILED : ISUP(isupd) is not running. Go to stage 3a

Stage 3a: The machine is not a Blueworx Voice Response client

This machine appears to be configured for SS7 Server use. Try the following steps:
  1. Use option D of SS7_MAINT to stop and then restart the D7 package
  2. Repeat the machine configuration with SS7_MAINT; use option S followed by option W.

Stage 3b: The machine is correctly running as a Blueworx Voice Response client.

If this machine was not present in a Stage 2 test, proceed to Stage 5

Stage 3c: D7 package is not running

It appears that the D7 package is not running. Try using option D of SS7_MAINT to start the D7 package. Using the M option may offer useful information as to why it does not start.