This topic includes details of the parameters required to synthesize and play a text string and return codes.


Use this call to synthesize and play a text string.



session_id (Number)
The session identifier allocated on the successful call to MRCP_TTS_Assign.
text_type (string)
This indicates the format of the text to be played, the possible values being:
The text is contained in the 'text' input parameter and will automatically be enclosed in MRCP <speak> tags by Blueworx Voice Response.
The text is contained in a file, the name (path) of which is specified in the 'text' input parameter. A file can only be loaded from a local storage device, and not an HTTP server.
The string in 'text' is assumed to be formatted 'speak' XML which is sent to the TTS engine without any retagging
The string in 'text' is assumed to be the name (path) of a file containing pre-formatted 'speak' XML
text (String)
See the description of 'text_type' above.

Note that the text string has a limit of 2000 characters. To play longer text strings, your application needs to break them up into smaller chunks or use one of the file modes of operation.

parameters (Tagged String)
The MRCP configuration to be used for this speak action only. These header fields will augment and update any session values set using MRCP_TTS_CONFIG or the configuration in file $CUR_DIR/ca/MST_dir/mst.xml for this action only. To build the string, use the PutTag operator of the AssignData state table action. See 4.i for details of how to use PutTag. The header fields that can be specified in this field are defined in the MRCP specification and are passed unchanged to the MRCP TTS server on the MRCP SPEAK call. Examples are as follows:
  • Speech-Language en-us
  • Voice-gender female
  • Prosody-volume 25
stop_keys (String)
This attribute controls how the playing of synthesized text can be interrupted by the pressing of DTMF keys. The possible values are:
This is the default value and indicates that the playing cannot be interrupted. It is equivalent to FORCE_PLAY for the PlayVoiceFromHost action.
Any DTMF key can interrupt the play. It is equivalent to STOP_PLAY_ON_DTMF for the PlayVoiceFromHost action.


return_code (Number)
Contains the result of the action. See below for details.
stop_reason (String)
If the return_code is 0, this indicates what if anything caused the TTS play to stop. If it completed without interruption then this string is empty, otherwise it is one of the following:
DTMF was detected.
Caller has hung up.

Return codes

0 - Succeeded
The TTS synthesized and played all or some of the prompt without any problems. Check the stop_reason to see what if anything caused the prompt to be stopped prematurely.
7 - Protocol error
The text-to-speech server has reported a protocol error. More details about the exact error will be logged to the Blueworx Voice Response error log.
8 - Invalid session
The session ID specified was not valid.
9 - Parameter error
A parameter is in error (for example, a text string exceeds 2000 characters in length). More details about the exact error will be logged to the Blueworx Voice Response error log.
10 - Failed
An unexpected problem occurred.
Protocol error returned by the MRCP server if a parameter passed in the correct format, but the MRCP server cannot process it, for example, when an unsupported language is specified. For details of these codes and their meaning, refer to the MRCP V1 specification available at: