Scan mode parameters

In scan mode:

Scans the log.n.log files for the text specified by the -s parameter.
Scans the wvrtrace.n.trc files for the text specified by the -s parameter.
Scans the Node output files as specified in VRBE configuration file default.cff for the text specified by the -s parameter. File default.cff must be consistent with the current file.

At least one of the above parameters must be present together with the -s parameter.

-s searchString
Specifies the string that will trigger the command or commands specified by the -c parameter. A search string that includes spaces must be enclosed within double quotation marks. The search string can be a regex as for the egrep utility. The search string is CASE SENSITIVE, so “send ANNOUNCE” will not trigger a search string of “SEND ANNOUNCE”.
-c command
Specifies the command or commands to run when the text is generated. The default is "dtbeProblem -s $DTJ_HOME/dtj_logs". Commands that includes spaces must be enclosed within double quotation marks. You can run multiple commands by separating them with a semicolon (;) for example,
-c "command1 ; command2; command3"
-i interval
Specifies the interval in seconds that the command is to wait between scans of the files. The default is 5.
Forces the script to run without prompting the user for confirmation of the supplied parameters.
Specifies that the command should loop back around and continue to execute the command or commands specified by the -c parameter on new instances of the search string until terminated. This parameter is required for scripted invocations of dtjlogmon.
Prints the help information for the command.