Creating a new voice application in Rational Application Developer

You register the Java API classes in Blueworx Rational Application Developer when you create a new application.

Follow these instructions to create a new voice application:
  1. Create a new project by selecting File->New->Project.
  2. Select Java and Java Project. Click Next.
  3. Give the project a name, for example if you are running the examples, use “VRExamples”. Click Next.
  4. Click the Libraries tab. Click Add External JARs and navigate to the directory where you copied the .jar files from the /var/dirTalk/DTBE/server directory on the AIX machine whereBlueworx Voice Response is installed.

    Open the following files:

    • ibmcctl.jar
    • ibmdtalk.jar
    • ibmdtext.jar
    • ibmwvrapi.jar
    • ibmdtext2.jar
    • js.jar
    • vxi.jar
    • vxiev.jar
    • vxisrvc.jar
    Click Finish.
  5. Create a new package for the Blueworx Voice Response Java and VoiceXML Environment application by selecting File->New->Package.
  6. Give the package a name, for example, if you are running the examples, use “tut”. Click Finish.
  7. Create the new class for the application by selecting File->New->Class.
  8. Make sure the Source Folder and Package fields match the project and package names you used in steps 3 and 6.
  9. In the Name field, type a name for the class.
  10. In the Superclass field, click Browse. Type WVRApplication, select the WVRApplication class and click OK.
  11. In the section labeled Which method stubs would you like to create?, ensure that the check box for public static void main(String[] args) is unchecked and the check box for Inherited abstract methods is checked. Click Finish.
The new class is created in the package and project you specified, and the corresponding application code is generated, for example:
package tut;
 * @author
 * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment":
 * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates.
 * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to
 * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation.
public class InApp extends WVRApplication {
  * @see
  public void voiceMain() throws WVRException {