Stopping the Blueworx Voice Response windows

This procedure stops the Blueworx Voice Response windows, but not the run-time system.


  1. Log on as dtuser, or if you are already logged on as root, reset the environment (see Setting the Blueworx Voice Response environment).
  2. Listing the running processes : Type the following command and press Enter:
    ps -def | grep DT  

    The system displays the process ID (PID) for the DT process. (Not all PIDs contain the same number of digits.)

  3. Stopping Blueworx Voice Response : Type the following command and press Enter:
    kill -2 DT_process_ID

    The system interrupts the DT process. The Welcome window disappears.

To start the Blueworx Voice Response windows again, make sure you are logged on as dtuser, type the following command, and press Enter:

DT &